Page 93 of Darkest Desires

“Why? You know you could have called me for anything. Even sex, hell, especially that.” I chuckled, hoping to make her feel better.

“It wasn't by choice.”


The motel comes into view, and I couldn't help but shudder.

It looked like something out of a horror movie.

“Nope,” I declared, driving past it.

“What?!” Lizzie looked panicked. “I can’t go to yours!”

“It’s all good, babe. There are some cottages a little further north from here. The owner is a good friend of mine; let me call him.”

"Can we talk about it when we get there? I'm so tired." Lizzie yawned and turned away while I nodded.

What the fuck has happened?

One phone call and fifty miles later, we parked beside a cottage buried deep in the woods.

It wasn't by choice.Lizzie's words rang through my head so much I wanted to scream. But I respected her wishes and didn't say a word until we were in the cottage,

Fucking AJ West.

Lizzie clung to me and was eager to shut the door behind us.

“Lizzie…” I whispered, reaching for her.

She trembled, falling into my arms as words spilt from her lips.

Words cloaked in terror and fear.

“Aj...tied me up...Reign...killed the girl….”

“Whoa, sweetheart,whoa.”

I guided her to the sofa, tugging a blanket to wrap her in.

I couldn't make sense of anything she said, but I needed her to calm down before she had a panic attack.

I knelt before her, sliding the sunglasses from her eyes to reveal wide green orbs swirling with fresh tears. I pulled the wig from her head, revealing her shocking black hair.

“There you are,” I whispered, pulling her into my arms. “You’re safe, Lizzie.”

“Can we just sleep? I’m so tired,” Lizzie mumbled, pulling me onto the sofa.

I was still wired from my night with Zeus, but I’d happily let her sleep on me. She clung to me like a baby, her cries wracking her body as she tried to sleep.

She was exhausted, and I didn't know what the fuck was going on.

But I was sure she’d tell me when she woke up.

I swallowed, remembering the few words she’d said.

Aj...tied me up...Reign...killed the girl…

So she knew about the girl, Alannah.