Page 57 of Darkest Desires

But apologies didn’t bring people back from the dead.

If you want her, make her yours before I do.

I cursed, dialling Tye’s number.

He answered, his words slipping all over the place.

He’s drunk. Great.

“Reign! We may need to order more whiskey.”

I ignored him, massaging my temples.

“We need to ask Elizabeth.”

“Huh?” Tye laughed. “Whisk Lizzie? Whisk her off where?”

“Fucking hell, Tye. Are you with Zeus?”

The sound of glasses smashing in the background filled the call, and Tye mumbled something about having to go.

“Call me tomorrow,” I muttered, shutting off the call.

The chances of Zeus being sober if Tye was intoxicated were slim. They always led each other astray, but maybe Zeus would surprise me. I called him anyway.

The fear in Elizabeth’s eyes earlier when she told me about the limo ride had cut me deep. She wasn’t like that. The world of depravity should she want to explore it; I wanted to guide her into it slowly, holding her hand throughout. A goddess like her deserved to be adored and shown pleasure before any element of pain or mind fuckery.

She neededme, not AJ.

Us,I corrected myself. She needsus.

Zeus didn’t answer my call, and I chewed on my lip, wondering whether to do something drastic to keep Elizabeth here until the others arrived. But that could be days, especially if they were on a bender together. There was nothing I could do. I’d have to let her go and hope she returned to me.

To us.



You know when you’ve got shit kicking off in every direction, and another problem arises? Proving that things can get worse?

That’s how my day started.

“Lizzie, please talk to me.” Brandon gazed at me through puppy dog eyes, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he waited for me to respond.

“Brandon, I’m on my way to work.”

I pushed past him, cringing when he caught my hand in his, tugging me back. The same fingers that used to comfort me remind me that I was his girlfriend.

Now, they felt cruel.

“Please, Lizzie.”

Gritting my teeth together, I whirled on my heel, finally making eye contact with him. I stepped back when I took in his unkempt hair, dark-ringed eyes, and hollow cheeks.

“You look…” I let the words hang between us until Brandon smiled wryly.

“Like shit? Yeah, a breakup does that to you. Well.” He waved a hand at me. “Although it looks good on you.”