Page 16 of Darkest Desires

“I’ll take them with me and let you know. I need a coffee, and you don’t have a machine here. Why is that?” I lifted my gaze to him, and he snorted.

“We have a fully equipped gym with a rooftop swimming pool. Up there, you’ll find vending machines and water coolers. Those that deserve it earn it.” AJ met my eyes, and I stared at him.

“You’re still the same, aren’t you AJ?”

“Don’tcall me that. This meeting is over. Elizabeth, see them to the elevators and then comestraightto my office,” AJ commanded, glaring at me. “I don’t care if you make the deal, Reign. But don’t think you can tell me shit about myself because you can’t. So fuck you.”He stormed past me, his shoulder barging into mine as he did.

“God, he’s a handful,” Elliott said wide-eyed. He gathered up the paperwork, almost running to the elevator.

Elizabeth smoothed down her dress as she rose, shrugging at the paper.“Not many notes to take.”

“Other than my number.” I took her pen, scribbling my cell number beneath her neat scrawl. “Call me sometime, we’ll go for drinks. My treat.”

“Oh, thank you, but I’ve got a boyfriend.” Elizabeth flushed, and my dick strained against my pants.

That didn't stop her the other night.

“Either way, Call me. It can be business or pleasure—I cater for both.”I dragged my eyes down her body, chewing on the inside of my cheek as we left the room.“He can’t treat you like that, you know, you’ve got rights,” I added, giving her a kind smile. “There’s plenty of other options for a woman like you. Goodbye, Elizabeth.”



When the visitors left, I let out my breath, dizziness overtaking me. I rested momentarily against the wall, swallowing as I adjusted my dress.

Who the hell was Reign?

I’d never seen anyone speak to Alexander like that, and no doubt I would end up paying for it for the remainder of the day, as I always did when he was in a bad mood, which seemed to be all the time.Still, I couldn’t get Reign out of my head as I went to Mr West's office. He was seated behind his sizeable mahogany desk, a pencil in his fingers as he glared at me, his eyes darkening.

“What took you so long? Did you suck Reign's dick?” Alexander barked, his lips twisting into a grin when I gaped at him.

Is he being serious?

I swallowed and shook my head, unsure how to reply to something so crude from my boss, but then I found my voice."Excuseme?”

“Everyone in the room could hear your pussy gushing for him. It was fucking embarrassing. You’re supposed to be professional.”

My cheeks flamed at his coarse words but also his audacity.“Mr West, if you speak to me like that again, I will leave this office and never return.” I trembled, my fingers clutching the paperwork in my hands. “I don’t know who you think you are, but I’m your employee and deserve more respect.”

Alexander watched me, his jaw clenching as he drummed his fingers on the desk.“Are you finished?”

Finished? Not by a long shot, but considering my boyfriend would probably lose his job today, I desperately needed this one. I huffed, folded my arms across my chest and tried to remain calm.

“You’re so rude,” I snapped, twirling on my heel to leave the godforsaken office. I just need to get through today and the rest of the week...God, who am I kidding? I need to get away from West Industries and fast. I'm still pissed that he demanded I buy a new dress and get a blow dry this morning prior to the meeting with Mathias & Co — luckily, he put it on the corporate card, or I would have been royally screwed. I didn't skimp either, and the designer dress made me feel classy, especially as I didn't own anything remotely designer. Not even the knock-offs you can pick up at the market or cheaper stores. I dressed in plain clothes, which was fine but not for my pig of a boss.

“Stop.” Mr West commanded, and like a trained seal, I did. “I like that dress on you. Shows what you’ve got beneath.”

Oh no, he didn't.

My breath caught in my throat as he got up, his telltale scent and husky voice soon penetrating my private space.

I panicked instantly, wondering if he would force himself onto me or something equally horrific when he said, “Get to work and never speak to me like that again.” His voice rumbled in my ear, giving me nausea despite his good looks.He was a bastard and had zero respect for anyone.

I backed away, my fingers missing the door handle the first time, and he chuckled.

See? Utter bastard.

I wrenched the door open, storming back to my office, where Michelle was blowing her nose and coughing.