Page 14 of Darkest Desires

“You’re welcome,” she half whispered, returning to her screen.

“Shall we grab a coffee first, Elliott? The canteen is on the first floor.” I mused, reading the floor directory beside the elevator.

Elliott frowned, checking his watch. “I’d suggest going directly to the boardroom, as our meeting will start in ten minutes.”

I waved my hand and stepped into the elevator with a sigh.“Elliott, there’s no deal in the world that can’t be made over coffee or whiskey. Remember that.”I tapped the button for floor one as my assistant rolled his eyes.

“You also taught me that first impressions count. Being tardy is not respectful.”

“Making a deal with a man without seeing his staff in a relaxed state is disrespectful.”

Elliott gave up arguing with me and trotted behind me towards the canteen.

It was quiet, and only a few people sat at the tables around the room.There wasn’t even a water cooler.

“How is this a canteen?” I frowned.

“Uh, I’m not sure.” Elliott scratched his head. “Maybe it’s just a place for staff to chill.”

“Huh. Let’s find out.” I strode over to a man ramming a sandwich in his mouth.

“Sorry to interrupt your lunch, but I wondered where the coffee machines are?” The man froze, his eyes darting from me to Elliott.

“We don’t have any,” he answered, his eyes darting to Elliott. “Are you lost?”

“No.” I looked at him with amusement. “Why would I be lost?”

“You just look like someone important, that’s all,” the man admitted.

“Oh. Well, I’m not. I'm just here for a meeting, and I thought I’d grab a coffee. How long have you worked here?”

“A little over a year.”

“Wow, so you’re fairly new?” I glanced around to see that most people here were young and fresh-faced.

“Well, no… but people here don’t tend to stick around long.” The man shrugged. “I guess it depends on who you work for.”

“How are you finding it?” I gazed at him, noticing the look in his eyes.

The man hated his life.

“It’s okay. Who’s your meeting with?”

I exhaled, about to answer, when a shiny black bob caught my attention.The woman with the bob smiled quickly, leaning down to get a bottle of water and paper cups from the fridge.Her body was dynamite, especially in the clingy navy dress that skimmed her knees.

She looks familiar…

“Mr West,” Elliott announced from beside me as the man paled.


I lifted my hand, waving it dismissively.“Your opinion is safe with me. I don’t even know your name, so don’t sweat it.”

“Okay,” the man stammered, standing up abruptly. “I’ve got to get back to work. Nice to meet you, Mr…?”

“Call me Reign.”

I turned to see where the stunning woman had disappeared, but there was nothing.