Page 87 of Darkest Desires

He was lying — we hadn’t done anything together. But I couldn’t remember anything after the elevator — oh my god, has he raped me? I wanted to weep, but I had no time for that. I needed to get out of here and fast.

“Please let me go.” My voice was surprisingly calm, but Alexander simply chuckled.

“No. Are you ready to hear about that fateful night with Reign and me?”

There it was, the reason I was here. Because I wanted information on Reign. I felt so fuckingstupid. Anything Reign wanted me to know, he would’ve told me. I should never have listened to Alexander.

“Reign,” I choked out, tears springing into my eyes. “He’ll find me.”

“Reignwon’tfind you, Lizzie, stop being pathetic. No one will find you until I’m done with you. Which will be a long time from now.”

His words make me tremble in fear. The thought of being Alexander’s prisoner — a sex slave, no less, made me want to die.

“You can’t keep me here!” I screamed as loud as I could. “Help!”

My lips are mushed together as duct tape comes down over my mouth, firm hands pressing down on it.

“That’s better. Now shut up and listen.”

Fingers twisted my nipples, and tears streamed from my eyes at the sudden pain.

Alexander tutted. “You look cold. Is that better?”

He twisted them again, laughing as I screamed behind the tape.

Reign, I need you.

Why didn’t I listen?!

“I met Reign at a club. A sex club, obviously.”

Alexander’s words faded away as I cried, praying that, somehow, I could get out of this.

Although I don’t see how.



As soon as I landed a few days later, I called Elizabeth. I would explain everything, and if she walked away, I would have to accept that. I’d come to terms with the accident with Alannah, even though it still killed me whenever I think about it.

We had a responsibility to Alannah. I did.

But Elizabeth’s phone was turned off.

She’s pissed with me.

The drive home seemed longer than usual, but I hoped Elizabeth was there when I got in. We needed to make up, talk about everything and see where we went from there. I wanted to take her to the mountains and make love by the lake.

I want to create memories.

Tye and Zeus hadn’t responded to my texts either, the fuckers, but that wasn’t new. They were probably fucking. Jealousy swept through me when I thought about the three of them in bed.

It felt wrong thinking of them doing that when Elizabeth wasn’t talking to me.

However, the house was empty.
