Page 49 of Darkest Desires

“Right,” I breathed, curling my hands into his hair and tugging him down towards me. “I want you to, too.”

“Do me a favour, Elizabeth.” Reign brushed his lips across mine, my hands resting on his broad shoulders. “Don’t ask questions about Alexander West. You won’t like the answers, and I don’t want to waste a second longer talking about him.”

I wanted to tell him that I knew what a monster Mr West was, that I’d watched him in a sex act that didn’t appear consensual—in fact, I was going to find Larissa and ask her that straight out. I could be a witness, and we could report him.

Dirty bastard.

“Let’s grab a takeout and get to know one another. How does that sound?”

I sighed happily, allowing Reign to pull me into his arms.

“That sounds perfect.”



I felt like I’d been with Reign for months.

We’d picked up some Thai food on the way home, the heat between us building every mile the car climbed.

“Are you hungry?” Reign asked, looking up at me from the doorway.

My stomach growled in response, and I bit my lip, nodding.

Reign caught the movement, stilling as his gaze penetrated mine.

“For Thai food?”

“First, yes,” I smirked, kicking off my heels.

Reign turned away with a smile, heading toward the bed. He was effortlessly sexy, his shirt undone to reveal his chest, his hair falling into his eyes as he handed me a box of food.

I sat beside him, and he flicked the television on, and we watched some cheesy chat show where two people were arguing about whether the man was the father of the woman’s baby.

“Jesus.” Reign stared at the screen, glancing at me through a mouthful of noodles. “And I worry if I’ve locked the front door.”

I laughed, the sort of laugh that comes from the pit of your stomach.

“Or turned the plugs off,” I added, delighted with how he looked at me.

“How domesticated we are, sitting here after work, eating takeaway and watching shit TV.” Reign nudged me, a playful smile on his face. “It’s far from what I want to be doing with you, though.”

The noodles in my mouth prevented me from answering, but I didn’t know how to handle Reign when he was direct.

I knew from how he took me in the bathroom that he could be blunt (pardon the pun) but he didn’t apologise.

It was just the way he was.

I swallowed down my noodles, pushing the box aside despite my hunger. I felt I should be making myself more...available and more sexual.

Damn, I felt like a hooker.

My cheeks flamed when Reign frowned, looking at my food with concern.

“Do you not like it?”

“Yes, I just thought you wanted to do something else.”