Page 45 of Darkest Desires

I wondered how many times he’d seen this.

“Move, I haven’t got all day.” Mr West snapped, guiding me towards the building.

Whatever his aim is, he’s clearly achieved it.

I was trembling, vomit threatening to leave my throat.

I felt like I’d just watched Larissa be degraded in the worst way, but she hadn’t looked at me when I’d asked if she was okay.

“I’m surprised by your reaction, Elizabeth.” Mr West arched a brow at me as we entered a beautiful building. “Considering you’ve fucked Reign, I’d have thought this was nothing to you.”

My heart leapt in my throat, and I scowled at him.

“Reign is nothing like you.” I spat, shoving past him.

“Are you sure about that?” Mr West whispered in my ear, holding me close as he smiled. “Because what you’ve just seen isnothingcompared to your new fuck buddy’s tastes.”

I stilled, his fingers stroking my jawline as he sucked in a breath.

Reign wasn’t like this. Sure, he was rough…

You don’t know him. You’ve barely spoken to him.

“You’re in for an adventure, Elizabeth. I hope I get to see it again.”



The meeting was a chance for my partner, Ray Mathias, to make the final decision on the deal with West Industries.

Ray Mathias was a family man, and his beady eye didn’t miss a trick when it came to decent individuals.

Personally, I was counting on Ray seeing through the shit show that was AJ West and telling him to get fucked.

Nicely, of course.

“So I told Barb, ‘Honey, you can’t expect your mother to want to move all the way down here.’ And you know what Barb said?” Ray chuckled, glancing over at the door when it opened. “She said she had no choice but to be with family. I tell you, my girl still kills me with kindness every damn day.”

AJ strode in, his eyes skimming over the women in the room as usual while I stared at the beauty behind him.

“Good of you to come and see us, Alexander. Who is this lovely lady? Far too beautiful to be your assistant, I’m sure.” Ray boomed, winking at Lizzie.

My heart thudded when she smiled, but her eyes were vacant.

I gazed at her, willing her to look up at me, but she didn’t.

Something is wrong.

I stiffened when AJ slid his arm around her waist, guiding her to a seat.

“Well, that’s all she is for now, but give me time…” AJ smirked at me, and I knew my face gave away my murderous thoughts.

“Nice to meet you, Mr Mathias.” Lizzie reached out to shake hands, barely acknowledging me.

“The pleasure is all mine, love. Would you like a drink? Tea, coffee, water? I hope you don’t mind me saying so, but you look a little peaky.”

Ray peered at Lizzie, who nodded.