Page 43 of Darkest Desires

I forced the question out of my mind, instead focusing on the papers before me. It made sense to get these done accurately, too. Otherwise, it would give Mr West another reason to bawl at me.

Forty-five minutes later, I’d almost done, my eyes aching from staring intently at my screen.

“Done?” Mr West purred, smirking at me from the doorway.


“So you haven’t. You’ll have to work late.”

I finished typing the final calculations onto my spreadsheet before looking up at him triumphantly.

“No, I’m done.” I smiled sweetly, closing my laptop down. “Are we leaving now?”

The smirk dropped from his lips as I breezed past him, high-fiving myself mentally for getting one up on my vicious boss.

I pressed the elevator button, aware he was standing behind me.

Too close behind me.

His breath moved my hair, the skin on the back of my neck rising with goosebumps.

“I always have more paperwork, Elizabeth.”

“My contract states that I finish work—”

“Larissa will be joining us.” Mr West interrupted, waving for me to walk forward.

I frowned, wondering why on earth Larissa from accounts would be needed.The meeting wouldn’t be about accounts, surely?

Mr West chuckled, stroking his jaw.

“Only for the ride.”


Busty Larissa was waiting by the door, her eyes wide with excitement. A smug grin greeted me when he kissed her cheek, directing her to the limousine outside.

I went to sit across from Mr West when he shook his head, pulling me beside him.

Larissa scowled at me, and I shrugged helplessly.

This isn’t my fault!

Mr West kept his left hand on mine, and Larissa positioned herself across from him. I tried to pull my hand back, but Mr West gripped it so tightly that I yelped out.

“I want to show you something, Elizabeth.”

“I can see with my eyes,Sir.”I stared pointedly down at his hand, but he ignored me, waving at Larissa.

Larissa blanched, her eyes flickering over to me before she raised an eyebrow questionably at Mr West.

“Do I need to ask?” Mr West snapped, and Larissa flushed.

I shook my head, not sure what the hell was going on. Either way, I didn’t want any part of their secret conversation.

“No, Sir,” Larissa mumbled, pushing her hair behind her ears and moving to her knees between Mr West’s thighs.

What the fuck?