Page 35 of Darkest Desires

"I'll see you in a minute, okay?" I told Michelle as she nodded, averting her eyes.

What the hell is his problem?

His hand rested on the small of my back, guiding me into his office as I tried to breathe normally. Mr West strode over to the windows, pushing his suit jacket back to rest his hands on his hips as he surveyed the view.

“I didn’t know you were a submissive.”

I froze, my heart stalling in my chest.

How. The. Fuck. Does. He. Know.

“Sorry?” I whispered, praying that he left the subject there.

But he turned toward me, a wolfish smile on his lips as he gazed at me.

“What for?”

I blinked, dropping my gaze as I shook my head.

What does he want me to say?There was only one question I could ask.


“Did I know?” Mr West tilted his head to the side, his heated gaze locking onto mine. “Because I watched you fuck a dominant.”

I paled, my knees almost buckling beneath me. Mr West was the one watching us.

Oh my god, no. Anyone but him.

Could this getanyworse?

“A potential business partner, no less," Mr West continues, his eyes roving over me.

My cheeks did a U-turn, flushing at his words.

I tried to speak, but my voice choked, refusing to come out.

He’s going to fire me.

That’s a good thing; I can find another job.

Is he going to tell Michelle?

Oh, I can't handle the shame.

“Am I fired?” I whispered, lifting my head to meet his amused gaze.

“Fired? Not at all. I’ve had a peculiar request today, though, and I’d like to discuss it with you. Take a seat.”

I cannot keep up with this man.

My mouth was drier than the Nevada desert, my pulse throbbing in my neck as I moved closer, adjusting myself to sit across from him.

“Mr Haddon has asked that should you choose to hand your notice in anytime soon, I release you from your contract with immediate effect. Any idea why he would ask such a thing, Elizabeth?"

"What?!" I baulked at his words, genuinely confused. Reign hadn't said anything to me about a job...Why would he email myboss?!

I tried to recover, licking my lips as I searched for words to defend myself.