Page 32 of Darkest Desires

He dropped to his knees beside the bath, and I ran my wet fingers through his curls.

“You’re so nice. Thank you.”

Tye’s gaze skimmed down my body, sending a shiver through my core.

“Can I wash you?”

I didn’t know what to say, but I nodded, suddenly self-conscious.

Tye’s fingers dipped into the water, finding my ankle. Lifting it out, he drizzled body wash over my leg, his fingers massaging it as I moaned.

Tye repeated this with the other leg, a smirk on his lips as I sighed happily.

“Let me help you up.”

His fingers laced with mine, and he pulled me to my feet with ease.

His eyes darkened at my naked form, but he cleaned me from neck to toe, his fingers remaining respectful throughout.

Easing me back into the bath, he washed my hair, and I moaned again.

“Thank you, Tye.”

“Lizzie, it’s my pleasure.”

His fingers massaged my scalp, and I swear I died and went to heaven.

Tye helped me into a fluffy white towel and gestured to the clothes.

“Want a hot cocoa?”

Was this man for real?

“Yes, please.”

I watched as he moved around the kitchen, my heart aching for him to touch me again.

In all my years with Brandon, he’d never once bathed me or washed my hair.

The word ‘relaxing’ didn’t do the feeling justice.

The clothes were beautiful—a crimson silk nightdress that slid easily over my head, caressing my skin like a lover’s lips.

Tye returned, biting his lip when I looked up at him.

“You’re so beautiful, Lizzie,” he said huskily. “Drink that and rest. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

“Thank you. Do you have a hairdryer?” I asked, pointing at my wet hair.

Tye nodded, tossing a TV remote onto the bed.

“I’ll grab it for you. Here, watch what you want.”

I sank onto the bed, clutching the mug before remembering the remote.

I flicked through the channels until I saw a quiz show I loved and sighed happily.

This has to be the best breakup I’d ever had.