Page 11 of Darkest Desires

Get a grip, Lizzie. You’ve got a man.

“I really can’t be arsed to go in today.” Yawned Brandon from beside me, snuggling further down the covers. “I might ring in sick.”

I scowled at him.“Bran. You can’t—you’re on your last warning!” I scolded him, dragging my sorry arse out of the warm bed.

“I’ll look for another job,” Brandon mumbled as I walked into the bathroom, flicking on the shower.

This was a regular occurrence with Brandon, and it was exhausting.

“Bran, baby, get up.” I stepped into the shower, groaning under the chill of the water. “Bran! The boiler’s gone again!”

“E19?” He grumbled back, stomping downstairs.

I shivered as the icy water gave off a cool mist, my nipples hardening as I tried to warm myself up.

Brandon would be halfway to the boiler by now, and by the dip in pressure, I knew he’d stopped to fill the kettle up first.

Fuck my life.

After what felt like forever, the shower warmed up, and I allowed my chilled body to recover beneath the warm blast of water.

“I’m going back to bed.” Brandon poked his head through the bathroom door, and I lifted my middle finger.

“You’re such a dick.”

“I’m just gonna work from home today. I’ll say I can get shit done from here.”

“Brandon. You’re a builder. You haven’t got the equipment to work from home,” I reminded him, running shampoo through my hair.

“Fuck,” Brandon muttered. “Then I guess I’ll have to ring in sick.”

“Just go to fucking work like everyone else!” I laughed as he stuck his tongue out at me, disappearing from sight. “If you lose this job, we’re fucked because my salary doesn’t cover everything!”

“I’m getting ready!” Brandon bellowed from the bedroom before appearing in the doorway. “Why don’t you become a Domme, Lizzie? You’d look fucking hot in latex. I bet the money is good.”

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body before tucking it together. “Me? Hardly.”

“Why?” Brandon wrinkled up his nose before getting into the shower.

“I’m not dominating, Brandon; you know this.”

I sighed, throwing my underwear and work attire on, leaving my bob damp. I didn't have time to blow dry it.I didn’t wear makeup, but I always brushed my eyebrows and eyelashes before rubbing lip balm on my lips.

I was an office assistant to a very busy CEO at a financial company in town, and he had zero tolerance for being tardy.I grabbed a banana and a bottle of water while telling Brandon I was leaving.The bus was the best option to get me to work early, as most people took their own cars, whereas my bus had its own lane. The chilly air reminds me that I shouldn’t be out with wet hair, but I envision the latte I can get for before work before making it to the bus stop.

Another day, another dollar.



“Hey, Shell. Are you okay? How was your weekend?” I hurried to catch up with Michelle, the other office assistant to Mr West of West Industries. Of course, he had two; he used to have four, but two had recently been fired, so it just left Michelle and me.

Michelle yawned, her flawless, made-up face contorting as she did. “I’m okay. I just feel under the weather. Tim had it last week, and I knew I’d end up with it.”

I sent her a sympathetic smile. You couldn’t ring in sick here, or you’d lose your job.

“I’ve dosed up and got lemon water to help me through the day. I’ve got a soup slow-cooking for tea tonight, but I wish Mr West was out of the office today. I need a break.”