Page 85 of Mr. Monroe

“Stephen, she hasn’t spoken to me since your wedding,” I said. “I only just got seven missed calls from her, and I have no idea what the fuck crawled up her ass and died, but I have nothing to do with it.”

“Well, you clearly have something to do with it because she’s hyper-focused on you.”

“Oh, in a different way than she’s always been?” I asked, unable to stop my venom from coming out. “What’s different about this?”

“I didn’t ask for this, Spencer.”

“I never asked for it either, Stephen.”

We were quiet for a moment, each of us taking a minute to calm down—nothing like a toxic parent putting the siblings up against each other.

“Listen,” I said, pressing the bridge of my nose between my fingers, “I have no idea what she’s after now. Let me know if you figure it out, but I’d recommend blocking her. She never makes sense anyway. Insulting Natalia or trying to save me from my wife is an old play in the handbook for evil mothers-in-law. So, she’s going in circles if she’s trying to come up with any idea on how to do that. So, other than that, block the woman if you don’t want to deal with her calls.”

“I won’t do that.”

“Well, I don’t envy your wife on her honeymoon,” I said. “I have to go. Enjoy the Indian Ocean. And trust me, blocking Heidi might save the honeymoon and your marriage. I won’t let that woman ruin my wife’s opinions of me, and you shouldn’t either.”


I hung up before we could exchange another word.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


We landed smoothly, as we always did when flying with Jim’s outstanding flight crew. Aside from the obvious luxury of traveling privately, the flight crew Jim had working for him was priceless. Call me a superficial, rich dick, but it was great to have the best pilots in the world flying your ass around.

“It was a pleasure to safely return you and Miss and Mr. Hoover home, Sir,” the captain said after we reached the bottom step, exiting the plane.

I shook the captain’s hand and grinned at him after he paid no attention to the two-hundred-dollar cash tip I’d offered through a generous handshake. “Thank you, Jack. Smooth fucking landing as always,” I teased, knowing he had an excellent sense of humor, which a man like myself appreciated on these long-ass flights.

“You know I pride myself in that,” he smirked.

“As you should, and it’s why I always compliment you,” I chuckled. “Have a great evening.”

“You too, Mr. Monroe.”

I excused myself, turned, and saw Nat getting into an Uber that had pulled alongside the Bentley where my driver was waiting for us.

I frowned in confusion and walked to where the flight crew was loading the last of their luggage into the car.

“May I ask where you both are heading off to?” I asked when Nat turned back to me.

“Sorry, you were talking to the pilot, so I couldn’t tell you about the Uber taking Shane and me home.”

I looked at her as if she’d grown two heads. “Forgive my directness, but I believed home would be at my place either in The Hills or Malibu?”

“Why would you think I would be moving in with you?” she laughed as if all of this was a hilarious joke that I was on the ass end of.

“I don’t know, perhaps because your cute little ass has been living with mine for the last two to three weeks overseas?”

“Yeah, um, no,” she said. Her tone was sweet, but I was confused as hell.

“Am I missing something?” I asked. I’d hardly expected her to jump off the jet and take an Uber home the moment we landed. “Are we home now and leaving the relationship back in the UK?”

“No,” she said, getting flustered. “Spencer, I need to be with my brother for a while. Let us work some of this out. I’m not going straight from our vacation to moving in because we’ve been living together for three weeks. Just give me time.”

I absently glanced at her ring, and she must’ve noticed because she sighed, took it off, and placed it in my hand the same way I’d given the pilot his tip. So, I guess this was my tip for the three weeks of being in my arms and giving her a shoulder when she finally decided to cry on it.