Page 6 of Mr. Monroe

“Shit,” I said, hurrying to the edge of the pool. “Goddammit. Fucking mother fucker!”

Thankfully, no one had appeared from the corners of the deck to tell me to watch my language around the children. I would’ve let off a round of swears that’d make a sailor blush if they tried to tell me not to cuss when my phone had been destroyed by Spencer, acting like his usual dumb-fuck self with me.

This was another prime example of why I hated interacting with this man. Stupid shit always happened, and now, my fucking phone was paying the price.

I felt myself beginning to seethe as I raised my eyes from the pool. “Are. You. Kidding—”

I didn’t manage to get the rest of the words out before Spencer suddenly disappeared from my line of sight. I blinked, thinking that maybe he’d vanished when he realized that he’d knocked my phone into the pool like a buffoon, but the sudden, enormous splash pulled my attention back to the pool, where the last thing I would’ve expected to see was unfolding in front of me.

I couldn’t pull my eyes away from where Spencer, VP of Mitchell and Associates, whose dark espresso eyes could instantly freeze anyone trying to pull one over him, had dove into the Graysons’ saltwater pool in a Zegna suit.

“Aunt Nat?” John came over to me, tugging his baby sister by the hand. Baby Kaley looked even more confused than her brother, and she grabbed onto my leg as she watched the events transpiring in front of us.

“What you doing, Unca Spenca?” Kaley asked as she wrapped her little hands in my bathing suit strap.

“Uncle Spencer accidentally knocked my phone in the pool, so he’s getting it out for me.”

“He’s in his work clothes,” said John, holding onto my leg. I reached down and ran my fingers through his silky soft curls.

“He is,” I said, unable to take my eyes off the scene before me.

“Dat’s silly,” Kaley said.

“It is,” I replied, “but don’t forget, Kaley, that the good ones will jump in a pool for you whether they’re wearing swim shorts or not.”

She looked at me in confusion. “You silly too, Aunt Nat.”

“Can’t argue with you there, honey,” I said, kissing her forehead.

I was momentarily touched by the sentiment of how Spencer had reacted. What a bizarre feeling of fascination I was experiencing. It was so unlike me to get caught up in a moment, especially with the man I deemed the biggest asshole of them all.

“Got it!” Spencer rose out of the water, holding my phone over his head, splashing a bunch of water around the beautiful terra cotta tiled floor surrounding the pool. He ran his hand over his face and pushed his fingers through his hair, shaking out the water like a chocolate Lab. “I got it.”

He made his way to the side of the pool and put the phone down before setting his hands on the edge and effortlessly lifting himself out in one fluid motion.

I felt my mouth dry out as I saw him unbutton the navy-blue suit jacket, which was a soaking wet mess, and drape it over the lounge chair I’d been sitting on, leaving his perfectly cut abs on full display in the white button-down that had become transparent. I immediately started thinking filthy thoughts about how he wasn’t the only one dripping wet and how it was extremely indecent for anyone to look this good while they were getting out of a pool.

I set Kaley down on the ground next to her brother. “Go to Dad, guys,” I said, gently pushing them toward where their parents, along with most of the other adults, had gathered at the other end of the pool to take in the scene. My eyes sought out my best friend and saw her under her usual cabana. A small modesty sheet was draped over her chest to protect her and whichever twin she was currently feeding, and her eyes were wide as she watched Spencer and me at the other end of the pool. I looked at her as she waggled her eyebrows at me, nodding over at Spencer and mouthing the words, ‘Oh, yeah.’

I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t so easily won over. And since when were eyes on me to be desperate for a man who fucked it up in bed the first time?

Bree most likely caught me while staring at Spence becoming a hero, trying to rescue my damn phone. I shook the sentiments away, knowing these emotions and I didn’t operate well together. I was not setting myself up in some emotional place to be insulted in bed again.

In the graceful art of pulling myself together, I smirked at Spence while appreciating his robust frame and flawless appearance, which would’ve sent any helpless woman into a hormonal frenzy. I, however, was far from helpless.

This man could free-dive a thousand feet to the ocean floor to gain my attention, and it wouldn’t impress me. The walls that I had up to guard my heart against all men would never be penetrated, and that was the end of it.

Spencer handed me the phone, a look of concern on his face. “Did I save it?”

“You mean after you drowned it?” I said dryly.

He flashed a fucking gorgeous smile at my response as he began loosening his soaking necktie and undoing the top button of his shirt. I ripped my eyes away from him and examined my phone, pushing aggressively on the power button.

Nothing. No matter how many times I tried to press the side buttons or tap the screen as hard as I could, not one single blink from the screen.

“Nothing,” I said, biting down hard on the inside of my cheek. Now, my heart was fucking racing.

My phone was my lifeline. It was how I maintained the quality of my work when I was away from my desk and how I’d been able to rise in my industry since I graduated from college. Being able and willing to take calls from my clients at every hour, doing everything possible to make sure that they could close on the homes of their dreams, had set me apart.