Page 66 of Mr. Monroe

“I guess this is the part for two people who were sworn enemies of love to understand where trust will come into play.”

I smiled. “Then I trust you’ll not fuck this up.”

Spencer chuckled, took my hand, and brought it to his lips, “I have no intention of fucking something up that thrills my heart and soul.”

* * *

We passed a pleasant few hours inside Westminster Abbey, going from room to room and enjoying the reverent grandeur of the place where so many rulers had been laid to rest. After walking out of the cloisters, the only thing I could think of was how hungry I was, so Spencer and I made a beeline for an Indian place he’d told me about.

Now, with naan, curry, and saag paneer in front of me, I started thinking about the other things I was hungry for. In our dark, secluded booth, I cozied up to the beautiful man that I’d officially been able to begin thinking of as mine as of that day. I ran my hand up his inner thigh as I studiously spooned up spinach with my bread.

He offered me a dirty look, but I didn’t stop, simply continuing to run my nails farther up in a way that made him crazy.

As soon as he paid the bill, he practically hauled me out of the restaurant and into a cab, which thankfully took us straight to the house ten minutes away. And no, we didn’t make it up to the bed. We barely made it out of the entryway before my clothes were stripped off, and his mouth was running down the center of my stomach and down to my pussy, dampening me and making me convulse under him. Jesus, this man knew how to bring everything inside of me alive at the drop of a hat.

Every day since we admitted to loving each other had been heavenly, but there’d been yet another shift. It felt like another bit of tension that I didn’t even know I’d been keeping between us had fallen away.

The two of us were more affectionate, both in public and private. It became more and more common for him to text me in the middle of the day and ask me to meet him for lunch near his office or for him to tell me that he was near my place and that he wanted to take me for a cup of tea if I wasn’t busy. At first, it was hard for me to relax into his kisses around his colleagues and mine, but I got used to it as quickly as I had him telling me that he loved me.

As abnormal as it would’ve seemed to me just three weeks before, I now felt like I couldn’t live without it.

“What are you doing tonight, Nat?” Kev, a real estate associate and friend, asked while I gathered the last of my work and slid the contracts I’d been working on into my leather bag.

“Home,” I said with a laugh and then exhaled when I saw the humored look on his face. “That sounded extremely odd to say out loud.”

“I’ll say,” Elizabeth added. She was my only enemy in this place, and I wanted to roll my eyes into the back of my head as she approached, looking as if I’d asked her to join this short conversation. Kev was lucky to be in the position to do what all of us tended to do when she butted in: he turned and walked away. “Could it be that you managed to—”

“Managed to what, Elizabeth?” I said, folding my arms and forcing a bitchy smile onto my face. “To secure another multi-million-dollar deal while you scrounge around, trying to poach clients from your colleagues?” Watching her porcelain skin turn as red as her flaming ginger hair was a delight.

“You come into my office and steal my clients all of the time, Nat,” she spat out at me. “What am I supposed to think of that? Perhaps I should move to America and do the same to you?”

“You’re dreaming, Elizabeth. If there’s one thing I never have a shortage of, it’s clients. I certainly don’t need yours, and you know that,” I sighed. “As for moving to America, I say go for it. If your way of getting delusional revenge on me is to uproot yourself and relocate to somewhere you know nothing about, across the world from your family, I’m sure that’ll work out brilliantly. That’ll really put me in my place.”

Before she could respond, my phone rang, and I answered Spencer’s call.

“Look out the window, love,” he said, somehow knowing I had access to the front window that overlooked the city streets.

“I’m on my way out of the office,” I said, annoyed Elizabeth was still standing here as if we were in the middle of an argument she was going to win.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” he said.

“Hang on, Spence,” I held the phone to my chest and looked at Elizabeth. “Is there some reason you’re still here?”

“Is that the billionaire everyone is talking about?” she asked.

“Oh, dear God. I seriously can’t even with you.”

“Spencer Monroe, right? He works for Mitchell and Associates. I know him. He’s been in this office a time or two.” She had a predictable look. A look that pleaded with me to ask the inevitable follow-up question.

“Bless your heart,” I said with a bored sigh. “And let me guess, you and he?”

“We did.” Her smug satisfaction made me embarrassed for her. She acted like this was a revelation that would humiliate me, but she was sorely mistaken. I was not the type to be jealous of past lovers, and I knew very well that Spence had at least as many of them as I did. If I were to get my feelings hurt over every woman Spencer had bagged, I’d be offended for the rest of my life.

I cocked my head to the side and raised my eyebrows, “Well, it looks like that’s yet another deal that you failed to close, eh?”

“As if you could?” she scoffed loudly, sounding like she was hacking up a hairball. “He’s not a one-woman man.”

“I’d probably tell myself that too if I were in your shoes.” I watched as a dozen questions seemed to cross her face.