Page 61 of Mr. Monroe

“Nothing like finding out your groom is screwing someone else just before your wedding. Of course, her revenge was perfect, but still, I wasn’t sure she’d ever fully recover from it. It was brutal, and she was helpless against it.”

“But she fell in love with the right man because of that pain. She and Alex were made for each other, and they’ve even got beautiful twins to sweeten the pot.”

“Not everyone gets their happily ever after,” I said. “I mean, we’ve been in the land of Romeo and Juliette all week. Those two didn’t exactly have the fate I’d choose for myself. Love clouded their judgment and made them reckless.”

He chuckled, “You think your fate will match Romeo and Juliette’s should you choose to embrace that emotion with, let’s say, me?”

“I know where you’re trying to take this, and seriously, I might not be worth your time. It’s not that I don’t trust the emotion; I just don’t trust myself with the emotion.”

“You truly believe love can ruin your life?” he questioned, more humored now than his initial response.

“Haven’t you seen those couples trapped in marriages? My God, I can’t imagine. They fall out of love but still find a way to be comfortable, content, and miserable.”

His eyes narrowed as if I’d conjured a demon or something. “You describe my parents easily,” he said. “Both stuck, focusing on social status and money instead of happiness.”

“There are millions of people in these hopeless unions because they thought they were in love. Even worse, they were deceived by someone who made them feel loved until the viper got what they wanted and grew bored.”

“Shakespeare wrote about this too, you know?” He smirked.

“I’m sure he did,” I rolled my eyes.

“In the Merchant of Venice, he wrote, ‘All that glitters is not gold.’ Meaning, be careful of something shiny and beautiful because not everything is what it seems.”

“A wolf in sheep’s clothing,” I said, becoming more interested.

“Yes. Some people want something so desperately, and once they get it, they find out it’s a fraud.”

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about, being fooled by someone’s charms. You believe it’s real, and then you’re stuck.”

“That sounds like my father,” he said solemnly. “My mother charmed him for his status and money. I don’t believe she ever loved him—or that she is capable of love at all—and after marriage, her greed grew, and her desire for power and status fueled everything wrong with that woman.”

I smoothed my hands over the white tablecloth, “So, with numerous Shakespeare quotes backing me, I think we’ve settled why it would be a miracle if I ever allowed that emotion into my life.”

He chuckled, his handsome features softening further. “Don’t push it away so confidently because it will come from out of nowhere. Before you know it, your ass is consumed by it, and you’re saying shit like babe and baby and meaning it.”

I felt my cheeks flush under his charming gaze. “You’re taking a risk with me; you know that, right? I just think you’re a fool to try.”

“The foolish man is the one who allows his mind to rule his heart.”

“Tell that to Romeo,” I said dryly.

“Romeo rests in peace because his heart ruled his mind.”

“A fancy way of saying he’s fucking dead because he fell in love with the wrong woman.”

Spencer nearly choked on the wine he was sipping after I came back with that sound truth.

“Fine, then. Not even a week in one of the most romantic cities in the world can break down the walls you’ve framed around your heart?”

“It hasn’t worked yet,” I said confidently. “I mean, it’s not like I’m trying or not trying; I’m just going with the flow with your handsome ass,” I answered. “I will not be hurt, and I certainly will not be killing myself for lost love. And now that I think about it, I’m sort of done dissecting this emotion.”

He rose, and I placed my hand in his, standing and allowing him to stare intently into my eyes, “Natalia Hoover, the dangerous thing about having these conversations with me is that you’re giving me a challenge.”

I arched my eyebrow as the back of his knuckles grazed along my jawline, “A challenge?”

“I accept challenges with all my heart and soul. And knowing how I feel about you,” his hand slid across my lower back as we locked eyes, “and the fact that I want you as my own makes me all the more eager. I will have you, your heart, and all your love whether you fight me for it or not. You will be mine. All of you.”

“You sound quite confident, Monroe,” I answered, standing tall in front of him. “However, I’ve never allowed myself to be up for the taking.”