Page 126 of Mr. Monroe

Jim laughed, “Let’s work the details out later. I want this firm to happen, though. You and Nat would be excellent business partners, but we need a solid plan that makes sense because I want it to work. One thing I know is that she cannot hear that her father is a silent partner for that company from you.”

“I don’t know how we’ll do it?”

Jim’s lips twisted. We were trying to figure out the best way to deliver this to Nat, and once Jim and I put our heads together, we’d derive a faultless plan. Even if I didn’t get Nat back, she’d finally be free and clear from her father.

“I don’t want to spearhead that company,” I said while Jim typed something on his phone.

He looked up at me, “What’s that?”

“Natalia needs to be assigned the big seat,” I said with a smile. “It’s been her biggest aspiration since she was a girl. She’s as sharp as it gets within her industry, and no one fucks with her. She’s the one you want leading that if you want Mitchell and Associates to have a firm with Brooks and Stone.”

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Jim said, laughing.

“You’re going to be if you keep talking like a cowboy,” I chuckled. “I’m serious, though. Give her that company and let her build it. She’s already got a broker’s license. She’s got everything it takes.”

“And you? She’ll be making more money than her boyfriend.”

I rolled my eyes. “I could only be so lucky to be her boyfriend again.”

“Send me over the files you got from the investigators if we’re going to propose this to Nat. And because I want to be truthful about my involvement, I will put another PI on the case. I don’t think it’s right that her mother’s case was left unresolved, and I don’t feel bad about insisting upon it.”


“Yes,” he stood up, more serious now. “If we’re going to get her and her brother closure, let’s do exactly that without fucking around.”

“Putting that fucker behind bars may be the only closure that truly needs to happen.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Jim answered, turning to leave my office.

I checked my watch again, “Shit, I need to get to Shane’s meeting.”

Jim laughed at me, “Look at you, being the best man and all.”

“Always,” I answered him, closing my laptop. “I have to work my way back into that woman’s arms somehow.”

“Nothing like the old high school trick, eh? Befriending the brother to get his older sister?”

“Works in fucking romance novels, so I figured it could work for me too.”

“You read that shit?” Jim asked as I walked out of the office.

“How the fuck did you think I landed the sex goddess of the world? I know where to go to find what the ladies want.”

“Fictional characters? God help you, man.” Jim shook his head, walking ahead of me and looking over at my paralegal, “Hey, Cherie, your boss was just mentioning how you lovely women love fictional men? Is this true?”

She smiled wryly, “I love Mr. Darcy even more than I love my husband.”

“Poor Phil never stood a chance, eh?” Jim said with a laugh.

Jim looked back at me, and I shrugged, “Better start reading before Avery decides to replace you,” I said, feeling like my usual cocky self as a sense of relief washed over me, knowing that this was going to be okay.

What didn’t kill me always made my ass stronger, and I wasn’t dead yet.

Chapter Forty


I was in utter disbelief—ear-ringing shock—feeling the nausea that would be the prelude to the rest of my fucked-up fucking life creeping up on me.