Page 120 of Mr. Monroe

“And here comes my session,” I playfully poked back. “Listen, I know I have issues with that man. The sound of his name coming out of my mouth makes my stomach twist. I hate the memory of him, and I hate the goodness I saw in him. I hate that I can still smell him and hear his voice. He haunts me like a nightmare, and I don’t know why I can’t just get it out of my system and let him go?”

“It’s because you fell in love with him,” Avery smiled at me. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“There is something wrong with that,” I answered. “The man is a fucking bastard who didn’t trust me enough to tell me he was privately investigating my family. I’ve honestly never been so insulted and mortified in my life.”

“That’s because these men are all fucking dipshits,” Ashley said in a way that forced a laugh out of me.

“That’s one way to put it,” Avery added.

The tone changed entirely for me at that moment.

“I know your men all put you guys through hell,” I said, “but I don’t think they went near what Spencer did.”

“No,” Bree said, “but the degree of offense doesn’t matter. Each of us felt the same knife through our hearts that you’re feeling now. You’re not alone. They’re fucking idiots who’ve excelled at their professions but failed miserably at different points in their relationships.”

“It starts with bragging that they’ll never fall in love,” Avery paused and rolled her eyes as if she’d been a fly on the wall in each of their conversations.

“Then they raise their glasses to toast the next fallen asshole,” Ashley added with a laugh.

“I also swore to myself I would not be a victim of love. I don’t know how this even happened to me,” I said.

“You think you’re the only woman out there who put walls around her heart to protect herself from a man?” Avery said with a smile. “Babe, none of us went searching for a love like this, especially with these men who were known for using women for their pleasure because of their wealth and looks. We certainly didn’t volunteer to be the guinea pigs for these doofuses to learn their hard relationship lessons.”

“But you did, and so did I, apparently.”

“Don’t look at it like that, Nat. You didn’t sign up to fall in love with Spencer,” Ash said. “You know, when I heard you were doing this fake marriage idea, I thought it was cute but dangerous.”

“I don’t see how it could be dangerous. It was founded on being fake. There was no way in the world I would’ve seen a relationship coming from this,” I said.

“Spencer is as handsome as they come,” Ash continued, “and he started the thing off by asking you to do something to help him, knowing he would be in a vulnerable state. He subconsciously chose you because I think he needed a powerful woman at his side to face off with his bitch of a mother.”

“You think he was afraid of her?” I said, somewhat getting her point but also confused by it.

“I believe he needed a partner to help him be in her presence and deal with her bullshit. You were the perfect match for him, and he knew it. What both of you didn’t know was that this would be a bonding event,” Ashley answered.

“But the reality is that we are two players who played with fire and got burned.”

“True,” Bree said, “but you either lick your wounds, heal, and get back up and fight or stay down and stay out of control. Whether you and Spencer can heal from this together or apart or whether you get back together is in your hands. But first, you need to heal.”

“I never imagined that I would be the one needing these support talks. I always took my problems to bed with me and a vibrator, and I was healed by that night,” I laughed. “And now, I’ve found a man who—”

“Hurts worse than when the vibrator runs out of batteries?” Avery teased.

“No,” I eyed her playfully, “a man whose dick is more magical than any vibrator ever invented.”

“Dear God,” Bree said. “I should’ve known somehow you’d begin bragging about his dick to all of us.”

“Oh, sweetheart, that’s only because this is the rare occasion where the man’s penis is smarter than his brain,” I said, standing up and feeling more like myself. “Now, I need to seriously go get in a hot bath after all this girl talk.”

“Why don’t you let me drive you home?” Bree said.

“One day, you’ll be the mother to those twins only, and stop including me as one of your children,” I said. “I’m fine and feel much better now that we can all agree these men are dipshits, and I’m the newest victim.”

“Love will always come out of nowhere,” Ashley said. “Every time. What you do with it and the lessons it sends your way makes the difference.”

“Well, I will tell you all this; what I will do with it stands to be decided. I will not be hurt again, and I promised myself and Spencer that I would have his balls on a silver platter if he ever hurt me. He obviously didn’t take that threat seriously.”

“Before we start thinking about cutting off balls, let’s take this a day at a time. You’re coming over tomorrow to go over the plans for that beach house, correct?