Page 67 of Mr. Monroe

“I don’t believe for a second—”

“I don’t care what you believe,” I interrupted. This conversation had gone on far too long. “You are of no consequence to me. But allow me to give you a piece of time-honored, ancient wisdom to save you future embarrassment: Mind your own fucking business.”

I walked away from the woman as she stood there, irritated and flustered, and put my phone back to my ear. I’d almost forgotten I had Spencer waiting on the line.

“Is everything okay?” Spencer said while I hit the button to the elevator, waiting for the doors to open.

“You know how it goes with miserable people. They want to make your life miserable to match theirs, and it’s up to you to walk away.”

“It’s pretty much the definition of what I do for work,” he laughed. “Though I make their lives more miserable, I feel better for it.”

“You fire people for dirty work and steal business from other empires.”

“I don’t steal jack shit. I just make offers that people are unable to refuse.”

“I suppose I do the same, personally and professionally,” I said coyly, hearing him laugh.

“Well, I can most certainly vouch for the personally part,” he said. “You’ve made some offers I’d never refuse. It’s why I don’t plan on letting you go. Instead, I may just officially ask you to marry me to seal the deal while I’ve got you waking up with a smile every morning.”

I grinned when I stepped out of the office’s front doors, seeing Spencer reclined against a white Bentley, holding his phone to his ear. This man was the epitome of every woman’s dream, and I had to admit, I loved that he was mine.

“Yep, I’m marrying your sexy ass,” he said, looking me up and down. “But before that, I have reservations at the Clove Club. Time to get you home and changed. What do you say?”

“I say,” I said, walking up to him and pulling his phone away from his ear, “I’m going to need you to help me change.” I leaned forward and pulled his bottom lip between mine. “You look irresistible, being all rich and powerful like this. I like it.”

He laughed against my kiss, his hand covering my ass and pulling me close.

“Nat?” I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

My head snapped around, and I felt a strange rising in my heart just as I felt a sinking in my stomach. I pushed away from Spencer.

“Shane?” I questioned, rushing forward as my little brother fought his way to his feet, attempting to hide that he was in pain.

Despite that, it couldn’t have been clearer that he was nursing injuries to multiple parts of his body. He smiled at me, and no matter the bruises on him, nothing could dull the sweetness of his smile.

“Shane,” I said, reaching for his chin and turning it to get a full look at his face. “What the fuck? What are you doing here? How did you even know how to find me?”

“You gave me this address before you went out of town,” he said, raising his eyebrow.

“And how did you pay to get here?” I stopped, closing my eyes. “The emergency credit card?”

“I figured you wouldn’t mind,” he said shamefully. “If you do, I’m sorry.”

“Of course, I don’t mind,” I said.

“It was business class,” he said, looking up at me sheepishly.

“Of course, it was. Only the best for Prince Shane,” I rolled my eyes. “Well, I wish I could’ve seen the flight attendants’ faces when they saw you and this piece of meat you call a face.”

“Nat,” I heard Spencer say from behind me. I turned and saw Spencer approaching us, sizing up my baby brother. “Who’s the raw hamburger?”

I shut my eyes tightly, wishing that Spencer would, for once, put a lid on the dark humor. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable in the presence of both men, as if two worlds were colliding, and I was unprepared. “Spencer—”

“I’m her brother,” Shane said, his attitude flaring up as he grinned menacingly. “Who the fuck are you? Her flavor of the week?”

“Of the month, actually,” Spencer said, grinning back at Shane. “Or maybe the year. Maybe for life. We haven’t decided to put a time limit on it.”

“Seriously?” My brother looked between us, shocked. “You finally nailed her down?”