Page 21 of Mr. Monroe

“My brother’s getting married,” he said, “and like most successful men in my particular line of work, we have complicated family issues. Demons from our pasts, so to speak.”

“If you dare compare your life to Alex Grayson’s and his demons, I’ll hurl my shoe at your forehead.”

“I’d never,” he said. Now, he had a bit of sympathy from me because it was clear he seemed pretty disturbed by this wedding. “I’d like to invite you along with me. My mother is quite a singular woman. Well, without saying too much, I don’t want to show up as her billionaire bachelor son. I’d prefer to arrive married and for you to be my fake wife.”

I swallowed. “This sounds like a goddamn romance novel, which I dare say I would not read because it’s not my thing. I have no desire to be on the arm of a wealthy man in a suit, faking that I’m married to him because I’m some desperate fool.”

He rolled his eyes, “Do you insult everything or just things that I suggest?”

“Both,” I said, completely done with this conversation. “And, no. I’m not going to allow your rich ass to whore me out and pretend to play house for the benefit of your family, either.

“You’re impossible,” he said with rising frustration.

“Indeed, I am,” I returned. Honestly, I was more than a little surprised he hadn’t left yet. He sat there with a defeated look that made me feel almost bad for him. “However, you look like a lost schoolboy in desperate need of a friend, so I might consider this just to prove I have a heart for people I enjoy being around.”

“Enjoy being around?” he questioned, more hopeful now.

“The sex was pretty damn good, Mr. Monroe, and I believe a lovely jaunt to the old world would give me just the excuse to indulge myself in it some more.”

“Well, shit. All I had to do was offer you sex?”

“You have met me, haven’t you?”

He laughed and let out a breath of what I assumed was relief.

“Listen, I’m not just doing this for sex,” I smiled at him. “I’m no fool. I saw a look in your eye at the mention of that mother of yours.”

His face darkened again.

“I’m guessing she’s a pretty awful woman if her son reacts like this without even being in her presence?”

“You have no idea. But, to be honest, I wouldn’t have you on my arm, pretending to be my wife, if I thought you couldn’t handle her.”

“Oh, honey, you have no idea how well I can handle women who seemingly ruin their families’ lives by being a bitch,” I stated.

“How could you tell she’s like that?”

“Wild guess with the help of a few hints from the spoiled, sex-crazed, heartless, workaholic rich kid sitting in front of me.”

“This may not be as easy as you think.” The way his mouth tightened whenever he mentioned his mother didn’t escape me. “But I know how tough you are and that you won’t take any shit from her.”

“You’re just lucky the sex is good.” I winked at him, feeling a bit happy I could join in on some fun to ease the burden. Why the fuck not? I dug shit like this.

“Oh, the sex will be worth it. You can trust me on that.”

I crossed my legs tightly at the thought of what lay ahead in that department.

“I expect it will be,” I answered, taunting him.

“I’d like to fuck your sexy ass all the way to Italy and back.”

“Now, you’re just torturing me with the idea.” I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. “When is the wedding?”

“September twenty-fifth.”

“Shit,” I shook my head. “I’m going to be in London for meetings the week of October fourth. I can’t go to Italy right before. Well, damn. All of that just to reject your handsome, desperate ass.”

“Actually, that happens to work perfectly with my schedule. I’ll also be in London for meetings then,” he said, standing up. “Which means I’ll be claiming your ass all over London too.”