Page 145 of Mr. Monroe

“I’m following your lead, sweetheart.”

At that moment, I picked her up, prompting an excited laugh from her, and marched up to the house. We’d have a lot to discuss after everything we’d been through with our parents, but I was ready for it all. Nat was likely still dealing with the truth about her family, just as I was internally battling what Heidi had done. It was a lot, but I knew we could go through it together.

Nat wasn’t lying when she said the wealthy were weird. They were. Some are dark and disastrous, and some are just a little bit off. I’d like to think we fell into the latter category with some fun sprinkled in.

I’m sure we would have one hell of a wild engagement, probably five years long and three kids later, but I was already committed to this woman in my heart, so I would wait for however long she wanted me to. I loved her enough to sacrifice everything to build a harmonious life together.

I was a fool in love and a damn proud fool too.

Funny how life works out and how the lessons and paths we unknowingly take are leading us in one way or the other to our destiny.


* * *

You have cordially been invited to the wedding


Spencer Monroe


Natalia Hoover

Six months later.

(So much for that five-year plan.)

* * *


The chaos of the catering company filled the hallways and the room I was in. The sounds of crashing dishes, some head chef yelling at her line cooks, and the smell of lobster bisque, coupled with the other exotic dishes on the menu for our wedding, added to my nervous excitement.

“Nat,” I heard Bree call as I leaned over to taste the delicious bisque. “Do not get that on your dress!”

I sighed, delicately placed my spoon handle against the bowl’s rim, and glared over at my maid of honor. She was lucky she looked dazzling in her strapless sage gown, which accentuated every curve.

“You look very bangable in that dress, you know? Alex can thank me later,” I said. “Now, let me eat this before I turn into Bridezilla on all of you.”

“Alex already nailed me in the bathroom, but I’ll remind him to send you a thank you card,” she said sarcastically.

“I’d believe that if you didn’t sound annoyed,” I said.

She grinned, “I swear, I don’t know how you haven’t put on five hundred pounds with your recent cravings for baguettes and lobster bisque.”

“Honey, I was a shade worried about it too, but it appears pregnancy suits me. I was born to shine in a wedding dress just two months before I drop this baby.”

“Your confidence baffles me sometimes,” our dear friend Cass said, walking up and kissing me on my cheek. “You look radiant, darling.”

“I know,” I winked and leaned over, continuing to devour this soup before Shane came into the room to load me up and bring me down the aisle to Spencer. “Damn, this is fucking delicious!”

“Excuse me?” I heard an elderly voice say.

I glanced up, seeing Nonna in the doorway.

I smiled widely as I approached her. “I’m so thrilled to surprise Spencer with you. You look gorgeous, Nonna,” I said, hugging her and grinning at her purple dress. I released her and looked around, “Are Sloane and Becca with you?”