Page 133 of Mr. Monroe

“I know, Jim,” I said, holding up my hand to stop him from explaining. “I know you had good intentions, but I need to know something. With the additional investigations, does it appear that my father murdered my mother?”

“Perhaps we wait for Spencer to arrive to answer that.”

“That fucking means yes,” I answered with a ragged breath. “And no, I’m not waiting until Spencer arrives because I may want to murder someone out of anger and impulse, and right now, that man seems to be the easiest target for me.”

“Okay, then,” Jim conceded. “We’ve launched an investigation on this case. Unfortunately, it seems the detective who was assigned your mother’s case was paid off. The overseas bank account that Spencer uncovered, which is linked to your real estate firm, was responsible for depositing a hundred thousand dollars into the detective’s account in the days after the accident, and a few other deposits were made to city officials. We hired another investigator to hack into the accounts, and with his expertise and clearance, he was able to track it all back to your father. I’m so terribly sorry, Natalia,” Jim said as he watched tears spill out of my eyes.

I didn’t know where to start. I was overwhelmed, pissed, sad, broken-hearted, betrayed…you name it, I felt it. All in one swift kick in my ass.

“Put Spencer on it,” I nearly growled. “I will talk to him when all this shit is over and my dad is behind bars. But, for now, if Spencer wants to give me closure, this is how he can. He owes me, and I don’t want him to be kind when he handles these assholes. I’ll figure out my future in real estate later. At this point, I’d rather be homeless than earn another cent at Adam’s firm. I want all of them behind bars, and I know Spencer can make that happen.”

“I wanted to talk to you about your future in real estate should that firm shut down.”

“I’m not in the mood to talk anymore, Jim,” I said. “I need to get the fuck out of this city for a while. I’ll let Bree know where I’m going. Most likely for a drive up the coast. I can’t manage any more horrible news right now. The next thing that’s about to land on me is that my brother is a homeless John Doe who was found overdosed in a gutter somewhere. I can’t.”

“Your brother is successfully entering his second month in a very nice rehabilitation center,” I heard Spencer say from behind me.

I turned, and my heart melted at the sight of the man. I still felt angry and betrayed by him, but I also felt warmth and comfort. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of security he would be my advocate, treading through this fucked-up situation. I felt a wave of emotions, the ones I’d grown accustomed to before I thought this man was out to hurt me or protect himself from me, and instead of shoving the emotions away, I absorbed them. I fucking needed this good feeling that I was receiving for the first time in too long.

I wouldn’t let Spencer see that I was melting at the sight of him, but what I would do is take the leash off this damn dog and let him hunt.

“Jim filled me on what you and he uncovered about my entire existence,” I said. “Find a way to end all of them. I want them behind bars; I’m sure you understand.”

Spencer nodded, and his chocolate irises were almost too much for me at the moment.

“More than you know. It’s the least I can do, Nat.”

“I know. When you’re done, reach out to me. We need to discuss some important and personal issues of our own,” I said, suddenly reminded I was standing here pregnant with his child. I wished desperately I could tell him, but everything inside me told me to hold off for now. I wanted him to have a clear head when he handled this bullshit, and then we could reconnect on a better day.

“Oh,” I said before leaving. “Where can I visit my brother? I want to hug and tell him I’m proud of him.”

Chapter Forty-Two

If I weren’t busy handling the final rejection of Jenkins Media, which Jim thankfully decided to pass on for now, I would’ve gotten to Jim’s office to see Nat much sooner than I did.

I stood in Jim’s office, watching Nat close the door behind her, and wondered how much I missed. Apparently, it was a lot because she managed to speak to me without justifiably screaming in my face for what an asshole I’d been.

“Well,” I started, turning back to face Jim, “I don’t know if I should be annoyed or grateful that you didn’t wait for me.”

“Grateful,” he said, casually leaning against his desk, crossing his arms and legs confidently. “You’re in a favorable position to win her back now.”

“This isn’t a game, Jim,” I said, worried I may let Nat down again. “What does she know? What did she say?”

“She was surprised, but I don’t think she was too shocked to learn that her dad has been the puppet master for her boss and managed to fuck with her through that dipshit.”


“And, you heard her. She wants them buried for what they’ve done—her father, specifically—and she wants you to do it. I mean,” he held his hands up, “you and I both know these are things Nat could easily handle on her own, but for some reason, she’s allowing you to handle it. So, I wouldn’t give it another thought.”

I ran my hand through my hair, concerned by how this could go. “If I fuck it up?”

“Jesus,” Jim said with a laugh. “In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you nervous or second-guess your ability to take down someone shady. No one is better at stripping down these fuckers than you. Are you losing your edge?”

“I just—”

“I can arrange for Alex to handle this situation. He is close with Nat, and he’s almost as much of a stone-cold prick as you are,” Jim said. “Listen, I do not doubt your ability to obliterate Nat’s father, but if you feel hesitant, maybe it’s not a good idea. You know people like him; they can smell weakness.”

“No, I know that. And I can handle this in a manner that will get Natalia some closure, but I’m confused about why she wants me to do it. She has every right to jump down my throat for how I behaved, but she’s gift-wrapping her father for me instead?”