Page 108 of Mr. Monroe

“Yet, here she is in your life, and I’m married to you. She’s already manipulating things, and you are falling for it, not me.”

“How the fuck am I falling for anything?”

“By sending me away to deal with her on her own when you have an opportunity to allow your friends to help us end her curiosity about the marriage. If you try to take this on yourself, she will never stop, and she will keep on like this.”

His face twisted into a look of defeat. “Fuck,” he said, looking out the windows. “You’re right.”

“I always am.” I smiled and crossed my arms. “Let’s just enjoy that we have amazing friends who love to give bad people hell for trying to destroy the peace of others.”

“This can go any fucking way. You know that, right?”

“I need to know if it is really that horrible if she finds out that we’re truly not married.”

“No, it’s not,” he said. “However, at this point, I’m holding onto my pride. I just don’t want that woman to know I gave her so much power in the situation by lying to her about my marriage. Fuck, if she knew that?”

“She would see you as weak and scared of her?”

“Exactly,” he let out a breath. “I am neither, but I did this because I didn’t want to deal with her mouth at the wedding, ruining everything for my brother and Nadia.” Then, he stopped and smiled at me, “And maybe it had something to do with being the perfect excuse to spend more than just a weekend alone with you.”

“Well, I don’t want her thinking she has that kind of influence over you. She’d be over the moon to know you went to the trouble of finding a fake wife for her benefit.”

“I’d rather give her the money and buy her out of my life before I give her that sense of self-importance,” he said with disgust.

“I agree.” I walked toward him, “Let’s go fuck with her a little with everyone on our side, shall we?”

He eyed me, “Are you confident you want her on that yacht with all of us?”

“More than. She’s in our territory now.”

“God help us. Jim will murder me for ruining his birthday shindig,” he said, shaking his head.

“As Jake said, Jim will enjoy making your mother uncomfortable, especially because it means helping you solve your problem.”

“All right. Let me tell her she can join us on the yacht or leave my home.”

“How the hell did she get in here, anyway?”

“She manipulated my brother in her usual ways. So now, I must speak with him about his willingness to give up my address and security codes because Mummy was concerned for my safety or whatever lie she told to fool him into giving up the goods.”

I stared at Spencer in shock, “Jesus H. Christ, does anyone in your family know how to set a boundary? Would Stephen really do that?”

His eyebrow arched, “I told you she is the master of manipulation and shady tactics. She conned him into doing something, knowing I’d never speak to him again if I found out about it. So, at the risk of me cutting him off, he gave her what she wanted, and that’s why you ended up walking into this today.”

“She’s like a character in a horror movie,” I said, wondering what it must’ve taken to get Stephen to do that.

“And we’re bringing her on the yacht with our friends…”

“Thank God they are who they are.”

“What do you mean?”

“They’re wealthy, powerful, smart, and above all, ruthless when it comes to burying the bastards.”

He chuckled, “Yeah, we shall see about that.”

“I have a feeling that this will work,” I reassured him. “Let’s forget the bullshit and enjoy that they’re going to help us.”

“Well, then,” he eyed the bed where my suitcase lay opened, “If you’re finished packing, I will call a driver on my way to tell Heidi what’s happening.”