Page 61 of Dr. Brandt

“So,” Avery said as we sat in the white Adirondack chairs that matched the look of this uniquely crafted home, “what’s the deal with you and Cameron?”

She smiled at me, and her expression had such a caring and charming look that I could easily see she was rooting for us to make things work.

“No deal,” I smiled in return. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and looked out to the horizon. “I’m just grateful that he was willing to take Jacks on as a patient and go above and beyond to get to know him better by bringing us on this outing.” Avery casually rocked in her chair, watching me curiously. “And I appreciate all of you being cool with us intruding on Addison’s birthday trip. Sorry that it went south after lunch.”

Both women’s expressions hardened a bit. Was I being a bitch? I thought I got out all the bitchy behavior when I leveled Cameron with my icy rejection.

“First of all,” Avery said, the blunter and more uncensored of the two, “thank you for putting up with all of us.” She took another sip of wine and crossed her leg, “It’s wonderful to have you and Jacks here. I just hope it’s going okay for you. Cam mentioned a bit about the surgery, and I can see why he’d want a little one-on-one time with…your son.”

I smiled at her pause when she referred to Jacks as my son, not Cameron’s. I liked these ladies, and as I pulled out of my funk, I felt more relaxed and curious as to what Cam’s friends were told about our past.

“So, out of curiosity,” I started, “what has Cameron told you about our relationship and that Jackson is his son? I know you all know, and it’s certainly hard to miss with him looking so much like Cam.”

Ash smiled at me. “Cam mentioned that he knew instantly that Jacks was his. He saw his dad in him, actually.”

I had never thought about how much Jacks resembled Henry Brandt. I wonder if that was difficult for Cam, seeing his father, whom he loved so much in his son. It had been six years since Cam’s parents lost their lives in that plane crash, and Cameron must’ve still felt that pain. I couldn’t imagine all the grief he’d gone through alone by losing his parents so tragically, and I never knew.

Stop thinking negative thoughts for a change, I mentally ordered myself.

“He definitely has those striking blue Brandt eyes,” I said, knowing that was the damn truth.

Eyes that could bring the strongest girl to her knees with just a wink.

“He said that he was a fool to leave you. He regretted it every day afterward,” Avery finished.

“And that he’s a firm believer that fate brought you back together,” Ash added with a knowing grin. “So, don’t be surprised if the handsome young doctor tries to fix your heart and your son’s medical condition.”

“He’s a good man,” Avery said, her scratchy voice filled with sincerity. “I recall the first time I met him,” she laughed. “Please, don’t let this bother you. This story involves a rich lady he brought to some gala.”

I shook my head. “Not at all. He and I haven’t been a couple since before Jackson was born. I think most of my jealousy left when I started to move on from that relationship.”

Ash laughed. “Most of it, eh?” she eyed me. “I will say, always keep your heart guarded and make his ass work for you. That man is still deeply in love with you. I can see it on his face when he hears your voice from another room,” her eyes widened, and she laughed, “or how he watches you when you have no idea he is. I wouldn’t be surprised if he begs you back soon.”

Yeah, like this afternoon when I rejected his ass.

I ignored all the stuff my heart wanted to hear about Cameron being in love with me and went back to what Avery was saying. “What happened with the rich lady at the gala?” I asked and then laughed when Avery’s lips turned into a mischievous grin.

“I like how you’d rather hear the story about him suffering with another woman instead of the sweet, gushy stuff Ash was about to put out there.” She pointed her thumb at Ash and chuckled, “If there’s anyone who believes in the Universe and fate, it’s this cute little hippie right here.”

Ash rolled her eyes. “It’s all true. And yes,” she looked at me, “the Universe gave Cameron a good, karmic kick in the ass with the woman he boldly brought to that event.”

She covered her smile and closed her eyes, trying not to laugh at the memory.

“All right,” Avery said, sitting up in her chair as if to brace herself for this story. “So, we’re all in the whole black-tie wardrobe—dress like a billionaire, act like a billionaire ensemble, if you follow?” she said with a roll of her eyes and a smile that teased me into wanting to know what the hell went down between Cameron and this girl.

“Yes,” I nodded.

“Okay. So, we’re all wearing designers and feeling super fancy, of course, but this chick is looking at us like we’re a couple of gold-digging street rats because, unlike her, we weren’t born into this billionaire lifestyle.”

“Her dad was Peter Benjamin. I don’t know if you’ve heard of him, but he was a wealthy financier who lost everything when the market crashed,” Ash interjected. “Sorry, sorry. I interrupted. Go on.”

“Peter Benjamin?” I questioned. “That guy was thrown in a federal prison for fraud or whatever, right?”

“Right. Jim has some stories about that fucker, but that’s for a different day. Anyhoo,” Avery practically whistled, “this woman shows up with Cam, and he’s all giddy that he’s got this babe on his arm.”

Ash laughed and shook her head. “Little did he know, she’d taken a few bars of Xanax, along with something else, and after she downed her first glass of champagne, all bets were off.”

“The guys were sitting around talking, and that’s when this broad stands up on our table and begins to strip off her vintage Dior gown while singing Happy Birthday to Jim, whom she’d had a thing for since they were young.”