Page 13 of Dr. Brandt

He stood and brought me into his arms. “I know this is upsetting, but even though Jacks isn’t cleared to play ball, that doesn’t mean we’re going backward with his seizures.”

“Maybe it’s the way you responded that night.” I pulled back and stared him in the eyes. “Maybe that’s why I feel suddenly like it’s just Jackson and me again.”

Warren ran a hand through his hair. “We’re back to this again, eh? I’m the problem?”

“You’re not the problem. I don’t know what the problem is,” I tried to diffuse the argument I knew I’d lose—or just gain more fucking flowers from. “I don’t feel right about any of this. I don’t like it.”

“I don’t like that you’re feeling so doom and gloom about everything, babe,” he softened his voice and features. “Please tell me you’re not like this around Jackson.”

“Of course, I’m not. Jesus, why would you think that I would bring this around my son? The last thing he needs is his mom to fall apart.”

“Then, pull your shit together,” Warren teased, but, like everything he seemed to do lately, it wasn’t funny.

“I need to go to bed. I’m going to check on Jacks, and then it’s lights out for me. I’m done with this week.”

“It’s seven in the evening,” Warren said.

“Good, I’ll get a full night’s rest before I go back to work tomorrow.”

“Talk to me, Jessica. Is it me, pressuring you for the wedding date?”

Fucking hell. I forgot about that until now.

“I don’t care about wedding dates. I wanted you to be there for Jackson and me that night, but work was in the way as usual. Hell, I think if I did decide on a wedding date, you’d have a snag with a deal and leave me standing at the altar, wondering where my groom is.”

“What has gotten into you?” Warren slumped back down on the couch and propped his feet on the marble table in front of it. He grabbed the remote and pointedly ignored me. “Go to bed. I think your hormones have gone a little wild. You’re just being cruel now.”

He was right about one thing; I was turning cold toward him. I was taking shots at Warren just to be mean because I was angry about what was happening to my son, and I felt alone in my concerns for his well-being. This wasn’t who I was, and I didn’t like what the stress was doing to me.

“I’m sorry. Please just understand that it’s tough not knowing if Jackson will have issues after the hit he took.”

“Understandable.” Warren was dismissive. “Get some rest. Maybe being at work will help you loosen up, and you’ll realize everything that the doctors and I already know.”

I dug out a smile I knew was hiding somewhere deep inside of me. “You know what they say about a mother’s instinct, right?”

“Yes,” Warren finally smiled. “I know that instinct is prompting you to want to kick my ass these days if I say the wrong things at the wrong times.”

“I’m sorry for that.” I really was, but I couldn’t help feeling the way I did. I leaned over and kissed his forehead. “I love you. I’m sorry, but I’m going to go to bed.”

He ran his fingers across my cheek. “I love you too. Look at me,” he said when my eyes diverted from his. “We’re all going to be fine.”

That’s when his phone buzzed.

“Text or email?” I smiled smugly, knowing someone out there was about to pull Warren away for the rest of the evening whether I stayed down here a moment longer or not.

“Give me a goddamn break. I have to go to London in two days,” he snarled as he scrolled through the phone, staring at it as if it were the adversary I’d always believed it to be. “Those bastards couldn’t close the acquisition of that business, and now they’re bringing me in to do the work. I should fire all of them.”

“You act like you own the entire company,” I tried to tease and lighten his mood.

He looked up at me. “I’d love to take you with me. I have to be there for a week, but—”

“But nothing.” I chuckled. “You know I’m not leaving Jackson right now.”

“No doubt,” he said. “Will you be okay if I take off for a week?”

“I’ll be fine,” I said with ease. “Handle your stuff. Maybe I’ll run a bath and then head to bed.”

“Okay, babe. I’ll come up in a bit,” he said as he got up to grab his laptop and start working.