“The fuck are you talking about?” Collin asked, bringing to mind the lie I told Nat, who was conveniently in the kitchen with the rest of the ladies to avoid being around Spence. Lucky for Elena, she’d excused herself just before this started.
Jake held his hands up, “Not my thing, man. I’m not shaming you. If you like taking it up the ass so fucking bad that you’d do it at Jim’s house because you can’t even wait to get home? Hey, that’s your kink.”
“The only shit I’ve taken up my ass is your bullshit when I’m not in the mood for it. Other than that, I wouldn’t last a minute in prison,” Collin defended himself, and I couldn’t help but smile at how this lame lie had taken off.
“You’re letting Laney fuck you with a dildo in my house?” Jim said.
“Hell, it seems like marriage can be quite adventurous,” Spence stood, “but not enough to tempt me.” He walked over and patted me on my shoulder. “Hang in there. She’ll come back. They always do,” he chuckled. “I’m out, guys. My driver is here, and I have the Bartholomew project to tidy up first thing tomorrow.”
“When do you fly out to London?” Jim asked. “Those bastards at Green Gate are trying to come in hard on that deal, and I want them leveled. You’re the fucker who can get it done.”
“I’m not drunk enough to listen to you boss my ass around while I’m not on the clock,” Spence said, and then he looked over at me. “Seriously, let her go for now and focus on your boy. This will work out. It’s refreshing to hear that someone wants to fix themselves for a change. Sex will probably be even better for it, too.”
“Sex is always your end game and final thought,” I said.
“Yep,” Spence said, disappearing through the side door.
“And since your ass ain’t getting any, up it or near it,” Jake said with a mischievous grin, “we’re going out tomorrow night after work, taking your plane or the bikes, or whatever.”
“If I don’t get held over,” I said. “Work has been crazy.”
“Find a way to get out of there.” He looked at his brother, then me, “We’re not letting you bury yourself in your job like Jim did while he waited for Avery. We’re going to live, and yes,” he smiled wider, “the ladies already have a plan to help your lady live, too. It’s all taken care of.”
Collin smiled, “This is going to be one long-ass bachelor party, and Jessa is going to have a long-ass bachelorette party, too.” He raised his glass of gin to me. “So, you’re welcome for Elena, knowing Jessa wouldn’t take you back immediately. Laney had a backup plan to keep her close, taken care of, and all but gift wrapped for you when she’s at Jim’s go moment.” He looked at Jim. “Where do you come up with that shit?”
“My wife owns a women’s shelter that helps in these situations, and I run a global empire, dickhead. So, this shit just rolls off my tongue,” Jim answered.
While the room settled a bit, I felt better about where all of this would go. Thank God Laney and the others would be there for Jessa as friends for whatever she needed.
After this pep talk, I felt solid. This would work, and like I told Jessa, I was here for her when she was ready for me. I just hoped it wouldn’t take forever, but I could play the friend game so long as it meant I could see her. And, of course, Warren’s ass could run back to New York City, where he belonged.
Chapter Forty-Eight
Who would have ever thought that in all of this—letting Cam go, letting Warren go, and more importantly, putting myself first—I’d end up working with the children who came to Elena’s equine rehabilitation center?
I decided to take Elena up on her job offer since I’d been there almost daily. Jacks had nearly fully recovered after six months of busting his ass at Laney’s equine rehab center, and when she offered, there couldn’t have been a better solution to my employment problem.
It was practically a fairytale, maybe not to everyone else, but it was to me. I didn’t end up with Prince Charming, sweeping my son and me off our feet, though. That prince being Cameron, of course. Because in every perfect scenario in my head, Cam was the only man who could make me feel whole if I were to factor romance into my fairy tale.
But I was neither happy nor sad about losing Cameron. Jacks learned that Cameron was his father about a month after Warren was officially out of our lives. I can’t say he seemed surprised by the revelation, so even though he didn’t come out and say he already knew, it was obvious to me that he’d put two and two together long ago, which was no slight relief.
Dealing with Warren was a struggle, but I ripped that fucking Band-Aid off. He was angry and demanded to know why I’d do this to him after he’d given me a second chance. His tirade ended with the good, old-fashioned you’ll regret this because he’d never grace me with a third chance. I let him say his piece, and he stopped fuming after he realized his words didn’t have their usual manipulative effect. I think I tuned him out after he insinuated that he’d done me a favor by being with me again.
It was striking how a little insight could change my outlook entirely. How could I have thought he’d felt happy to be with me? In his mind, it was I who should be thanking him, and for too many years, I felt the same. But no longer. Never again would I allow myself to be treated as anything but an equal. I’d damn near broken my back from carrying a disproportionate emotional load in all my relationships.
Warren wanted me to believe I would be single, unfulfilled, and alone for the rest of my life because no one could love or take care of me as he could.
Well, if living single for the rest of my life resulted in me feeling excellent, strong, and accomplished like this, then I’d take it any day of the week.
“How’s Millie?” Elena asked after I walked out of the office where I did reports and financials for the equine center.
I stretched, having stood for the first time in what felt like hours. “Jacks said she can now close her hands over both reins. She’s riding the pony without him leading her around the coral,” I said, walking through the lodge-like center.
This place was gorgeous in every way, but the story of what made Elena and Collin establish this as an equine rehab center was even more beautiful.