“God, this is embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for Collin, actually,” I said.
“Then it must be bad,” Nat humored me. “So, spill it, blue eyes.”
“He said to go easy while shoving it up his ass like last night,” I said softly, acting like I was repeating Collin’s words.
Nat rolled her eyes. “That’s what’s got you spying behind the door, married people’s kinky sex shit? Good God, I struggle to know what you would’ve thought of me in bed,” she said unamused.
“Well, if a man taking it in the ass from another woman is not the least bit shocking to you, then I’m glad I never went home with you,” I said, staring at this woman and wondering if anything embarrassed her.
“Cam, let me inform you of something,” she said. “There are plenty of men in this world who take it up the ass from their wives all the time, literally and figuratively. Some like it, and some don’t. It seems like Collin likes it, so what’s the fun in listening unless that turns you on?”
How the fuck did this backfire in my face?
“God, no. That doesn’t turn me on.”
“Then why are you listening on the other side of the door like some creepy voyeur?”
“Fuck me, Nat,” I answered. “That’s not what I’m doing. I’m not a fucking creep.”
Her eyebrows shot up, “What the hell else would you call it? Listening to your friend get pegged without anyone knowing? I say that’s creepy, and I think you’re probably turned on, and since you’re most likely not getting any lately, you’ll—”
“Stop!” I held both hands up. “I’m not creepy, I don’t need a piece of ass, and I’m not turned on listening to my friend take it in the ass.”
“Who’s taking it in the ass this time?” Jake said, bounding down the stairs, hearing everything I told Nat after my voice rose in frustration.
“Collin,” Nat said. She pointed at the door I was standing in front of protectively, praying that Collin and Elena didn’t hear any of this. “Cam was standing out here with his ear pressed to the door, listening to his friends’ matrimonial coitus.”
Jake’s expression tightened in humor while he pulled on his shirt, his hair still wet from being in the pool. “I thought Collin only liked it when—”
“The fuck are you all doing out here?” Collin said, opening the door and zipping up his pants.
Dear God, I should’ve known he’d prove my lie true because he and Laney could never be left alone without something happening.
Jake recovered his humored expression while Nat simply smiled.
“Was it good?” she taunted as only Nat would do.
“Always is,” Collin said, not realizing he should be mortified because no one thought he’d just had a regular old quickie thanks to my lie.
“I thought I was your one and only,” Jake said with a laugh. “Seriously, you’re into that, though?”
“Uh, yeah. How has that not always been obvious?” Collin answered, looking at us as if we were all crazy.
“Right?” Nat said with a sexy arch of her eyebrow as Laney walked out, adjusting her dress and oblivious to the disaster I’d created out here. “You are one lucky girl.”
She smiled and hugged Collin at his side. “I know.” She kissed where her lips reached his upper arm. “And let this be a lesson to you, Natalia,” she giggled, still glowing from her tryst, “marriage doesn’t dull the sex life.”
“Indeed, not,” Nat said. “And that’s why I’m jealous.”
“I am too,” Jake chimed in. “You two know no bounds, and apparently, that’s the fucking key.”
Oh, fuck me. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jake went home and asked Ash to give him the old heave-ho next.
“That’s always been the fucking key,” Collin answered. Then he looked at me, “Speaking of fucking, why are you still here? I figured you and Jessa would be halfway to heaven by now.”
All eyes were back on me, and instead of clearing up any of this, I let it all ride. Bastards always gave me hell anyway, so I might as well let Jake believe the key to keeping sex alive involved his wife strapping on a dildo now and then. Who knew? Maybe Jake and Ash were into that kind of thing, and I did everyone a favor.
“Before I take off to catch Jessa,” I said, adding one last nail to the coffin, “Little John is upstairs by the pool, Nat. He was hoping to see his favorite Aunt Nat before bedtime.”