Page 87 of Dr. Brandt

Regardless, I planned to find balance in my new life with Cam when we returned from Mexico. As Cam said, it was time to start putting more pressure on Jacks for this surgery. The seizures were coming regularly, which was why Cameron ordered the scans, and therefore, we needed to make a decision.

“We do need to focus more on getting Jacks more confident in this surgery,” Cam said once we were on our way, climbing altitudes in the jet.

“Yeah, I one-hundred percent agree with you on that.” I turned to face him on the leather couch we sat on. “Although, we’re on our way to Mexico. Not quite sure how that helps Jacks to become more confident about surgery.”

Cam sipped his beer. “Don’t you worry your sexy little ass about that,” he said proudly. “I’ve got Jake and Collin on the case in our absence.”

“I will say that’s an excellent idea,” I smiled at him, casually sitting back and reclining, “but I’m not so sure those two aren’t just going to screw off and play with Jacks, instead of talking him into losing half his brain in surgery.”

He shook his head. “Those two might fuck around a lot, but they know what’s at stake, and they’ll do anything to get Jacks better. Trust me on that.”

“How are you managing all of this time off work anyway?”

“I’ve only taken two weeks off in the last two months.”

“And if I took two weeks off in the last two months at my previous job, they’d fire my ass.”

“Allow me to correct myself since you just re-entered my life close to three months ago or so.”

“I’m listening,” I said, sipping my champagne.

“I planned this week to Mexico a year ago. I’ve only taken maybe a couple of weeks off this entire year. But taking a solid seven days in a row is unheard of with me. I was owed this. That’s why I planned it a year ago when everyone was up my ass to take more than a couple of days off at a time.”

“What about your trip to the resort in Jamaica?”

His eyes widened before he rolled them. “Not even a week off, but I felt like I was at that resort for a year with those morons.”


“What’s so strange about it?” he said, confused and laughing. “Most people take the vacations they earn. I usually don’t, but you’ve been around me the few times I have.”

“I guess I always expected—” I put my hand on his knee and smiled. “Don’t take offense when I say this.”

“I’ll be offended if you don’t tell me,” he said, studying me with a slight smile.

I laughed. “When we were dating in college, I always wondered if I’d be some lonely wife of a surgeon who lived at the hospital. Sort of like your career would be the third person in our relationship, taking you away from me.”

“Well, that would’ve definitely been the case,” he stated factually. “And I’m glad, for that reason only, that we didn’t marry young. Perhaps we split for all that time so we could truly appreciate each other when we were blessed to be together again.”

“Yes,” I leaned over and met his perfect lips with a tiny peck. “I think you’re right. We could’ve been a real mess if we married young.”

“Shit,” his eyes widened, and he took another sip of beer. “You’d be screwing the pool boy—”

“And you’d be screwing some intern or nurse.”

“And—” He went to continue our lame accusations but stopped. “Hell, no. I wouldn’t be screwing anyone at the hospital. No one in the world is better than you, whether I’m a doctor who works around the clock or not. No way I would have ever cheated on you.”

“I disagree,” I answered, remembering when we went through a rough patch, and my friends reported that my man was spotted with a university cheerleader.

“No,” he shook his head. “Brandy Hightower set my ass up. You know that shit, too.”

“Nothing ever happened between you two?” I questioned.

“Legs,” he chuckled. “That’s what everyone on the team called her. That one wished she could’ve taken advantage of my broken heart. And yes, she tried.”

“The picture the girls took didn’t show you pushing her off you when she was kissing you topless.”

He rolled his eyes. “Well, I was an idiot boy whose girl dumped him days before, trying to move on. So, yeah. I guess I enjoyed her tits and a kiss.”