“Oh, shit,” I said.
These galas were something else to begin with, but in all the ones I’d attended when I’d dated Cam, I’d never seen such a thing. However, we’d attended those events at Cam’s father’s behest, and when Henry Brandt was in attendance, no one dared to fuck around.
“So, while she’s singing to Jim like she’s Marilyn Monroe on the President’s birthday, Cameron ditches all decorum and proceeds to pull her off the table,” Ash added. “Mind you, even Jake and Collin were stunned into silence, and they’re the biggest pranksters of all.”
“I could imagine how mortified Jim must’ve been,” I answered. “A stunt like that could’ve cost him his reputation in a room full of influential people like that.”
“Cam was horrified,” Avery continued, “and it took Collin and Jacob to calm his ass down and get him to show his face around us the next day. Poor guy couldn’t apologize enough for something he didn’t do.”
“His dad would’ve kicked his ass for embarrassing the family like that,” I said.
Ash laughed. “Those men are a bunch of kids, playing on the playground. They came up with some silly apology video and somehow made that thing funny as hell. Instead of being a bad mark on everyone at our table, it was good publicity for Mitchell and Associates.”
“What happened to the woman?” I asked.
“She pissed Cameron off so bad that I don’t think the name Gabriella Benjamin can come up in his company without the man turning fifty shades of pissed off,” Avery said. “All of that said, he’s alluded to how he’s never been fully happy in one of his flings or in the few relationships he’s had since he left you. Based on everything he’s said, he’s feeling a Jess and Jacks-sized hole in his life since reuniting with you.”
I exhaled and twisted my lips up. I believed Avery was telling the truth, but I wasn’t convinced that Cameron would be up for the job of committing to Jacks and me. I hadn’t seen this look Cam had for me that lit up the two women’s faces when they referred to it, either. Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention enough even to consider listening to what Cam had to say earlier.
I was attracted to him like a magnet, and I knew he was the love of my life too. But I also knew how it felt when he said he loved you above everything and then disconnected entirely to pursue something he deemed more important.
I’d felt like shit since I turned up my nose at the idea of giving him a second chance. In fact, this was the saddest I’d felt in years. Maybe this whole Universe thing was trying to get my attention, and my soul knew it was wrong to reject him.
I wasn’t going to dwell on those things right now, and I wasn’t going to keep this hard line in the sand that I’d drawn, forcing Cameron to stay on his side.
Perhaps I could let the ice wall thaw just a little and stay open. Avery and Ash seemed like two women who would’ve warned me off Cameron if he was still doing the new girl weekly thing. So maybe I would chill out a little and let Cam prove himself to me.
God, this better not be a mistake.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Jake’s yacht, Sea Angel, dropped anchor in Monterey Bay last night. The ladies and the kids all seemed very excited to know it was here this morning, and they wasted no time getting ready and gathering their things.
I was in charge of flying everyone to the yacht in the helicopter, something I’d been excited about doing since we got here. But sadly, nothing appealed to me at the moment.
As much as I enjoyed watching the game with Jacks, it felt bittersweet. I wanted so badly to connect meaningfully with my son, and I was struggling with how to do that after what Jessa said yesterday on the beach.
I had no idea how to get her back. The worst part was the aching, longing feeling inside. Even though she and I were physically near each other, it felt like she was a world away.
I didn’t want to wallow. Instead, I needed to get over myself, accept that I’d lost the best thing in my life by not cherishing it while I had it, and move forward.
So why couldn’t I? Why the fuck did I feel sick when I looked at her, knowing I could never have this woman again?
I hadn’t said much to anyone since waking up this morning at four and up to now as I landed the chopper, which was filled with the last half of the gang on the bow of Jake’s superyacht.
This goddamn boat was ridiculous, and if these floating five-star hotel walls could talk, we’d be entertained for days. I’d only been on this yacht a few times in the last three or four years, and even though I’d always enjoyed myself, I struggled to understand why these assholes felt the need to own such insanely opulent boats. They were like small fucking cruise ships.
“What the fuck is up with your mood this morning, man?” Collin asked after I shut down the helicopter and nodded toward the deckhands, prompting them to secure the chopper on the helipad.
“Nothing,” I said, knowing everyone assumed I was in a bad mood when I got quiet. This time, they wouldn’t be wrong. “All right. Let Jake know that once this bird is locked on deck, we’re good to pull anchor and check out whales or whatever the fuck we’re doing today.”
“For fuck’s sake,” Jake said, approaching where I’d just stepped out of the helicopter, “I’m right here, asshole. Tell me yourself.”
I rubbed my forehead. “Sorry, man.”