Page 107 of Dr. Brandt

He lit up when Cam was around, but after Cameron left, my son would dismiss himself to do his treadmill, stretches, and computer therapy in his room and away from Warren and me.

I might’ve gained security from Warren in all of this, but I felt like I was losing everything else around me by choosing stability and comfort over being wild and carefree, starting with my son.

“I wish I could say that’s what I was doing, but that’s hardly what is happening.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” he said. “Nice to meet you both, ladies. Have fun tonight, and tell everyone I said hi.”

“I—” I paused, pointing my thumb back toward where Jackson turned and walked away, “I need to get back. Very nice to meet you, Natalia. And it was great to see you again, Bree.”

“Jessa,” Bree said, stopping me, “do come tonight. If for no other reason than to hang out with us girls again. We miss you.”

“Let me see if Warren is okay to stay with Jacks—”

“Hold the fuck up,” Nat interrupted. “Forgive me if I’m being forward here, but is this Warren guy the acting parent for your son?”

“Acting parent?”

“Yes. You’re not with his dad—whom I can easily assume is Cameron since your son looks exactly like that hot snack of a man—so is Warren his father figure?” Nat questioned, and her confident tone made the statement hilarious instead of intrusive.

“Yes, Warren is pretty much his father. He has been for years.”

“For years?” She pulled her oversized glasses down. “Well, honey, then there’s no asking. There’s simply insisting that he stay with your son so you can have a girls’ night.”

“I don’t think he’ll be cool with me hanging out with a bunch of Cam’s friends,” I honestly said.

“So, you got back with the man and then allowed him to put a fucking leash on you? Nah, you need to get out. After that statement, I can tell you’ll never know what life is outside of being a caretaker and a lonely little housewife,” Nat said. “You’re too good for that. Completely unacceptable.”

“Nat, you’re being rude,” Bree said. “Sorry, she lacks the ability to give a shit. Some people love her, and some hate her.”

“At least I’m black and white. There are no gray areas where I’m concerned. There’s too much stress in the world not to have clarity with people. But listen, hun,” she continued, and somehow, I appreciated her directness, “if you’ve put yourself in a position to depend on a man, and he begins to take your freedoms away, your sex drive will die first, and a vibrator won’t even resurrect it. There’s only one way to go from there: antidepressants, wine, and, inevitably, reality shows about housewives and bake-off challenges. Now, I know what you’re thinking, and those things are all great on their own, but none of them should be binged, especially in tandem.”

“Jesus, Nat. You make it sound like she’s a prisoner for checking in with her partner,” Bree said as the wind whipped through Natalia’s pashmina.

“Losing your sex drive and not being able to live your life a little is more like a death sentence, Bree. Please, God, do not tell me that after a year, Alex has stripped you of your rights as well. Does the vibrator I purchased for you no longer enhance the nights when he’s traveling?”

Bree and I both started laughing. “Are you in real estate or porn?” I asked, laughing. I hadn’t felt this light in too long.

“The porn industry could use my help, that’s for goddamn sure, but I don’t dig that now.”

“I swear, you can work yourself up over nothing,” Bree said.

“I’m always running at an even ten out of ten, ready to go when the moment arises,” she answered with a smile.

“I have to know something,” I said, glancing back and seeing Jacks talking to a couple walking their Labrador on the beach. “Did you and Cam hook up?”

She smiled, “You’re adorable, and I see why you and he have created such a beautiful little human in your son.”

“No,” Bree said immediately. “I think Cam is the only man to ever turn down an advance from Nat.”

“Truth,” Nat said. “That guy is one hell of a scoop of caviar on a cracker. I was working every move and angle I knew—and trust me, honey, I could write the books on seduction—anyway, he played along all night, then turned me down.”

I chuckled, “That doesn’t sound like the guy I dated in college.”

“He mentioned something about not being the man he once was when he was younger, but who knows.” She threw her hair over her shoulder, “There’s plenty of other eligible men who aren’t afraid of me, so it took me a good three minutes to get over the rejection, and he and I have been good friends since.”

“You know what? I think I will take you up on your invitation,” I said, feeling in much better spirits.

Strangely enough, I loved this Natalia character. She was a kick in the ass, and her personality had put me in the mood to be with the girls. If I saw Cameron again, who knew, maybe we’d talk.