Page 58 of Daring Enzo

“It’s okay, Mom. I have been lying down all week. I think I can do this much at least. All I’m doing is walking around the house, after all,” I say, shaking my head when she tries to help.

“Ok, take it slow,” she is watching me mopping around.

A small chuckle escapes my sealed lips as I try not to disturb my sleeping baby. I ran a hand down the soft curls of his hair, adjusting the knit cap that had fallen off his head. Mom was right, of course. Although I’ve been on bedrest all week, I haven’t been able to get any much-needed rest; every part of me sings of a weariness, but I can’t allow myself to succumb too soon.

Giving birth to my son was the hardest thing I’ve ever done; yet it was the most exhilarating and emotional experience. I had been in so much pain during the twenty-three hours of labor; the epidural was doing what it could to take the edge off, although it was not nearly enough. However, seeing my baby, his soft delicate features, and his beautiful face had been enough to make me forget all about the pain.

The memories will be imprinted forever in my mind — from the very first time his tiny but firm fingers wrapped around my thumb in a tight grip to the first sound he ever made. I never thought it possible for such a small human to have so much power over me. Everything about him screams perfection.

Mom has been present from the moment I was wheeled into the delivery room until now. She has, countless times, told me to rest up so I can recover my strength. My body is now attuned to my son’s. At every single sound, I wake up to tend to him, never allowing her to care for the both of us as she desires.

“Of course, Mom. Now we’re back from the hospital. I’m sure I’ll be able to get some rest,” I say to appease her, slowly setting the boy in his crib.

I rock the crib back and forth, smiling when his hands reach his face, and he makes a sound in his sleep, his lips pulsing in the sucking motion babies often made.

“It’s just all of this is a new experience for me. I’m afraid I’ll miss out on something if I take a break,” I add, still staring down at his peaceful face.

Dad walks up to the crib and wraps his hand around my shoulder, peering down.

“I doubt there’s much you’ll miss out on. All he does is sleep, eat, and cry,” he chuckles, grinning at Molly before breaking into muffled giggling.

I roll my eyes at the pair. He was right, much is obvious.

“It doesn’t matter, honey. I was the same way when I had them both,” Mom says. “I wanted to be present for every single moment and often shoo off help when it was offered until I wore myself out and couldn’t be of any use to either of you.”

She turns to me, her hand on my cheek. “You’ll do the same if you don’t take time to rest. After all, we flew to France, so you wouldn’t have to do all this alone. Now, let us do what we came here to do.”

I nod, allowing her to lead me to the sofa. A sigh escapes my lips as my back presses against the softness of the seat. Maybe it isn’t such a bad idea to rest. Although I have always been independent, in the months I spent alone in France with no one to care for me, I learned to be even more dependent on myself.

“I’m grateful for the help, Mom.”

The sound of the doorbell ringing puts a pause on the conversation. Molly opens it, inviting my friends in. I smile excitedly as Jenna, Rachel, and Louisa pile into the living room in silent excitement.

“Wow, I have been waiting so long for you to be discharged from the hospital. It feels like forever since you went in,” Louisa says, rushing up to me. She pulls me in for a quick hug before going to the crib.

“Ah, there’s our godson. I can’t believe it took so long for me to meet you. I’m going to spoil you, silly,” she says, running her index finger down the side of his face, a soft smile on her face.

Rachel moves to join her at the crib. She sniffles, her eyes watering slightly as she watches him sleep.

“I don’t believe I’ve seen a more perfect baby. He makes me want to have one of my own,” she chokes, her words coming out in a raspy tone.

Jenna clears her throat and throws a mock glare at her, her brows raised as she folds her arms in front of her.

Rachel laughs. “Of course, how could I have forgotten? He isn’t the only perfect angel, is he? I swear, I’m getting surrounded by beautiful babies all around. It’s getting difficult to maintain my decision not to have a child yet.”

“Same here. Perhaps my interview should’ve been with the adoption agency, instead of for a husband,” Molly chips in, shaking her head as the others laugh.

“Ahem, you all seem to have forgotten about me,” a voice calls out.

My head snaps as I look up just before Louisa turns the phone she’s holding in my direction.

“Hey Alessia,” I say, my smile widening even more.

“Hey, Kelly, how are you?” she asks, staring at me with a knowing look.

“I suppose I’m tired,” I say, ignoring the look my mom throws me. “Mom has been hounding me to get some rest, and I think I’ll do so in a bit. How are you? I wish you were here.”

Alessia sighs. “Me too. I wish I could see my nephew and hold him in my arms, but I suppose I’ll have to settle for seeing him this way for now.”