Page 42 of Daring Enzo

“Really? You can’t believe it?” I ask, staring at her, "Everything I’ve done so far has all been with you in mind. I’ve done nothing to hurt you. Instead, I’ve constantly been present, wanting to be with you and only you… so, how is the bad?

"Don't you think what is toxic is your inability to settle down with just one person instead of stringing everyone else along for the ride while we wait for you to choose one of those who are flocking after you?" I puff heavily, punching the steering wheel as I zoom past a car with so much speed it flies past in a blur.

“I never asked you to be a part of the flock, did I?!” she screams back, pointing a finger at my face. “I told you from the beginning I wanted nothing from you. I told you how it was going to be. I expected this to happen, but you ingratiated your way into my flock!"

"Because you thought your charm would keep me from seeing anyone else. Now you complain about my lifestyle after I am with you?"

My jaw clenches as she mocks me, her voice deepening to fake my voice and accent.

“Why don’t you just go back to where you came from and find whatever person is ready to settle for this ridiculous display of manliness,” she says snarkily.

“What do you mean by the display of manliness?! All I’ve ever done is try to take care of you and keep you happy. What’s wrong with wanting to have you all to myself? After all, you have me to yourself!” I spit out in a rage.

“Well, I never asked you to do any of that, did I?” she asks. “It would’ve been best if we never met.”

“Are you fucking serious right now?!”

Her words raise an ache in my heart. I’m unable to take my eyes off her as she rages, her pupils dilating as she shouts. She faces forward, her eyes glaring as she folds her arms across her chest. Her eyes widen suddenly.

“Enzo, you’re going to kill us!” she screams. I frown when I hear the fear in her voice. She points, and I follow her finger, coming face-to-face with a truck heading toward us.

I inadvertently steered into the path of oncoming traffic! Reacting swiftly, I jerked the wheel, bringing the car to an abrupt halt on the sidewalk as we both sucked in sharp breaths. Her gaze cut through me, laden with disdain, as she quickly unlocked the door and exited the vehicle. The door slammed shut with such force that the car rocked on its foundation.

“Where the fuck do you think you are going?” I ask, lowering the window to scream at her. She turns back and glares at me, but doesn’t say a word.

I hammered the steering wheel in frustration, shouting after her, "Get back here, Kelly! You're in no shape to storm off like this!"

“You’re now concerned about my condition after you almost killed me seconds ago?” she roars back. “I’ll be a fool to get back in there with you!”

Her words hurt, but I toss them aside. It would be wise to calm down before speaking to her. I know this, yet I can’t control the anger that wells up inside me.

“Why can’t you just do what I say?” I ask, storming after her. “Why are you so stubborn? You’re willing to harm my child just to show how angry you are?”

I take her hand in mine, dragging her as I forcefully usher her back to the car; but she wriggles her arm free from my grasp and shouts. “Don’t you fucking touch me! Until you get the test you so eagerly want, this is my child, not yours. I will look after it, however damn well I please. I don’t need your help.”

I glare at her, refraining from saying anything when I feel eyes on us. Although others pay us no mind, some stop to spectate. Some have their phones out to record while others have their devices pressed to their ears, probably calling the police. The anger drains out of me as I watch them. The last thing I want is to make a spectacle of her and me for the entertainment of others.

“Let’s go back to the car, Kelly. We’re not even supposed to be parked here. We’re going to get a ticket,” I mumble, my eyes on the people staring at us.

She follows my gaze and looks around at the people staring at us. Without a word, she stomps back to the car, her body tense and her head held high. She slams the door shut just as she’d done earlier and sits there, waiting.

I heave a sigh as I walk to the car. I stare at her, but she refuses to acknowledge me, sitting like a statue. I drive off, not looking back to see if the onlookers have dispersed.

This is not going the way I planned.



Isit in the clinic room, waiting for the test results Enzo had insisted on. I obliged him while very much aware of what the test would say. For months now, he was the only one I have been with. But he’s like a dog wanting a bone, I was certain he had not relented in pressing the issue.

My gaze falls to my hands, noticing how they tremble uncontrollably as the reality of my situation sinks in. Clasping one hand with the other, I attempt to still their quivering. Drawing in a deep breath, I strive to soothe the nerves that dance wildly in tune with my racing heart.

Get a hold of yourself, Kelly. My knee jerks, as I recall the events from the prior two days.

“How are you, ma’am?” the young nurse greets me as she steps into the room. She looks no older than twenty-five, is blond like me, and has a warm demeanor.

“I have seen a better day,” I respond, shifting in my seat, my eyes following her as she draws closer.