There’s never been a time when I had felt like this; clearly, it must be love. Handling the emotions isn’t as simple as I thought it’d be. But I’m trying my best, although my best is a little twisted than what Alessia and Michael have or what my parents had. However, this is love and I have no intention of letting her go.
I stand up as the door opens and Kelly walks in. Her face is so pale, like she’s seen a ghost, confirming what I already know.
“You’re pregnant,” I say, my breath catching in my throat.
“I’m pregnant,” she responds.
I walk up to her and wrap her in my arms, breathing the scent of her skin. Her breath shudders, and I pull away.
“Are you alright? Do you need anything?” I ask, ready to give her the world if she asks for it.
She musters a smile and looks at me. “I’m fine. I just want to go back home and think about things. So much is about to change.”
I nod. She’s right, although she doesn’t know how right she is.
“Thank you, doctor. We’ll be on our way now,” I say, picking up her purse.
“Of course. Rest up. It's important to consider your options and planning for your health and well-being, as well as the baby's. We can schedule your first prenatal visit, talk about nutrition, and address any initial concerns you might have."
The news must have messed up her mind. On the car ride home, she’s quiet. Her head is pressed against the window, her eyes fixed on the cars and houses we go past. I hate myself for what I’m about to say; yet, I can’t help it. I need to know.
“I want a paternity test,” I blurt.
“What?” she exclaims and turns to me. Her eyes are filled with shock; her mouth hangs open as she stares at me incredulously.
“You heard me. I want a paternity test because the baby could be mine. We’ve mostly never used protection in the times we’ve been together because I accepted the fact you were on the pill, but there must have been times when you slipped up when you were with me,” I explain.
“That’s what you’re thinking right now… where your mind is going?” she asks, scoffing. I simply stare at her, not backing down.
“What the fuck is so wrong with wanting to know? We’ve been having sex, and there’s a possibility it’s my child,” I say, keeping my eyes on the road.
“You’re not even going to ask me if I want to keep the child?” she queries.
“Is that even an option at this point? You’re so far gone already. The doctor said it’s been more than six weeks,” I say.
“I can’t believe this is what you’re thinking right now. All you’re thinking about is whether this is your baby,” she gasps, her voice carrying her disappointment.
“Well, if it’s my baby, you’re going to need to clean up,” I respond, looking at her for a second as her eyes narrow.
“What do you mean by clean up, exactly?” she asks.
“Settle down. Stop all these crazy things you’re doing,” I say.
“Don’t you dare call me crazy?” she snaps back, clearly angry.
“I never called you crazy. I simply said you’ll have to give up dating because of the baby.” I try to explain as calmly as possible, but my voice comes out harsher than intended.
“And if it isn’t your baby? Have you thought of the fact you’re already stipulating ground rules for a baby that might not be yours?” She asks, in a snappy tone.
“Well, even if it isn’t, you’ll still need a stable home for yourself and the baby. If none of these guys aren’t ready for such a commitment, well, I’m,” I finish my tirade.
She scoffs, her eyes boring into mine. “You don’t get to act like a fucking hero who comes to save the day and the damsel in distress. I know that’s not where your so-called good intentions are coming from!” she yells.
“Why the fuck don’t I get to be a hero?! I’ve been telling you from the start I want to settle down and have a committed relationship! You’re the one who’s unable to fathom being with one person,” I yell back, visibly pissed.
Why can’t she get this isn’t just for me, but also for her? In the time since we’ve been together, I’ve treated her better than any of the guys ever could. I’ve devoted my time and energy to the relationship; and in none of time has she considered what I wanted.
“You’re fucking crazy, Lorenzo!” she screams. "I can’t believe that even now, you’re still being so destructive. It’s my fault for expecting you to rise above this!"