“That’s kind of weird. I don’t think I can reconcile your bad boy persona and this golden child you say you are,” I say, unable to keep the look of disbelief from my face.
Enzo laughs. Enzo laughs and says, "You'll be surprised at the number of things I can do when I set my mind to it."
“Now, I believe. You seem like the sort to overachieve. I’ve been a victim of it after all. The dates we’ve been on are a testament to them,” I affirm, shaking my head when he simply laughs.
“What about your mom? Alicia said you guys lost your mom pretty early. Were you close with her?” I ask tentatively.
I know Alicia doesn’t remember her mother; it’s not a topic her father and brother have been willing to discuss with her, so I don’t know how he’ll react to my question. I inhale sharply, playing it by taking a sip of wine. The last thing I want is for him to close off or snap at me because of my line of questioning, but I truly want to know him, and I hope this is something we can talk about.
I panic, my chest tightening as his expression closes off and his lips droop. He looks away.
“I don’t like talking about this because there’s nothing to talk about. Mom died when we were young,” he reveals, eyes still focused elsewhere. “Anyway, what about you?”
He tries to divert my attention, but I don’t want to let it go. I know it must have been difficult to even say a single word on the issue, so I press lightly.
“Well, I’m not close to my parents, but I do love them. I just wanted to know how you dealt with your mom’s passing. Alicia told me a bit about it, but all she said was it was pretty bad. I’m curious to know, especially after how anxious you were the last time when I didn’t pick up my phone. I mentioned how incredibly anxious you were about Alicia. It had struck me as abnormal. She told me it was something we should discuss, which is why I’m bringing it up now.”
“Could we not do this?” he asks abruptly, his face scrunching up in an angry mask. “I said I don’t fucking want to talk about it. Let it go already.”
I jerk back at his outburst, withdrawing completely. This is the first time he’s ever spoken to me in a tone in the two months we’ve been together. Fear rushes through me like cold water.
“When I say I don’t want to talk about something, I fucking mean it, Kelly. So stop bringing it up.”
I look away from him, lips trembling violently.
You are not going to fucking cry, Kelly. You were an idiot. You knew it was messed up already. There was no way in hell, it would work out, so why do you want to cry?
I nod, talking myself out of my emotions. “Okay, I didn’t mean to annoy you. I was just curious.”
“Don’t fucking be. That's not something you should be curious about,” he says, glaring down at the plate, his voice laced with venom.
“Okay,” I hold my hands up in surrender. The relaxed mood in the room is gone and in its place is awkwardness and silence.
“I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that,” he blurts. “I’m sorry. It’s just-”
“It’s fine, I shouldn’t have pried,” I say, cutting him off. I pick up the plates, piling them atop each other, and take the glasses. I can feel his eyes on me, but I don’t look at him until I have everything in hand.
“We should do the dishes together,’ I say finally.
He looks up at me with a hopeful expression. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, of course.” I hurry off to the kitchen with the plates.
Be nimble. I command my body as I try to stop from tensing up. The last thing I want now is for there to be even more awkwardness between us.
Enzo comes up behind me and kisses the side of my face. “I am sorry for snapping at you like that. I just get sensitive sometimes.”
My hands clench on the edge of the kitchen sink as he speaks. I no longer want to hear what he had to say. I rinse off my hands and wipe it on the kitchen cloth. I turn and place my lips on his, sealing his mouth shut with a kiss.
Enzo hugs me, his arms wrapping around my waist. He pulls me closer, his fingers tracing circles on my waist. Heat pools at the center of my core, an instant reaction to his touch. He grabs my thighs, placing me on the marble tiles until. I pull him into me with my legs, wrapping them around his waist. My intention is clear. I want him to fuck me mindlessly until I forget about all of this and think only about my pleasure.
Enzo groans. His hand reaches up to my neck and with raw dominance. He pulls me to him, bruising my lips with his kiss. I moan in his mouth despite the warring emotions in my chest. Pulling away from me, he goes on his knees and pushes my dress up to my waist until I’m completely exposed, save for the tiny lace panties.
He sniffs me, his face pushed up against my cunt. A deep groan escapes him. “You smell amazing. I want to taste you and have you on my tongue always.”
His words break my heart. I want him to possess all of me as I possess all of him, but this will never happen. He won’t give it to me. Heat presses against my core, his hot tongue licking up to my clit. I choke on a sob; it releases in a moan as I struggle to get a hold of my emotions.
With a hook of his finger, he pushes the flimsy lace to the side, his tongue melding in my clit as he sucks me hard. I take my dress off, my hand on a sensitive nipple, a myriad of sensations flooding through me.