Page 21 of Daring Enzo

“What did you mean when you said we were already at odds?” I ask, curiosity coloring my thoughts.

She shrugs. “Just I never intend to have children.”

“What?” my eyes bulge as I struggle to understand the implication of her words. Who doesn’t want to have children?

“Yeah, I have no plan whatsoever to have children,” she repeats.

I mull it over in my mind, stopping on the only likely reason I can think of. “Is it you can't have children?”

“No…” she says, looking a little affronted.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you could not have kids,” I apologize for my assumption. If that had been the reason, my question could’ve caused her much pain, so I’m glad it isn’t.

“No, I just don’t want to have kids. I have no plans to have children at all,” she avows simply, looking through the menu like this wasn’t a serious topic.

“Why wouldn’t you want to have children?” I ask with furrowed brows. Did something cause her to be set on this decision or is this just because she doesn’t think it necessary?

“Why would I want to?” she asks, not looking up at me.

“Okay, you’re just turning the question back to me. We’re supposed to be getting to know each other, Kelly. Don’t you think I should know this?”

Her eyes bore in my head, her gaze intense. Have I pushed too far in my want for the rationale behind this decision?

“I feel like a child is a lot of responsibility, and I just don’t have it in me,” she says after what seems like forever. “I hate commitment and having a kid is the ultimate commitment.”

I nod. “Oh, I thought you were going to say marriage.”

“Of course not. Marriage can be broken. As a child, however, you don’t just get to dump off anywhere you like. Makes it the biggest commitment ever, and I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for it.” she finally elaborates.

Her reason is understandable. Children are indeed a great commitment, and there are so many ways raising them can go very wrong. Still, doesn’t stop anyone from wanting a child. At least, not the people who’ve had them.

This poses a problem for me. I want to have children. I’ve always loved the idea of having my kids who would carry on the Lombardi name and business like it’s been done in the many generations passed. I rein in my reservation concerning her decision. Although I want to be with someone who’d love to have my children, now isn’t the time to talk about it; it’s only going to scare her off.

“Whatever it is, we’ll work something out. If you mean it, you don’t want to have children, I might adopt in later years, so you don’t have to worry yourself with the responsibility and commitment.”

She watches me with a frown. Her eyes fill with confusion, and I chuckle. Of course, she finds it shocking this is my reaction to her words. She probably thought I would run the other way the moment she said those words. There’s also the fact with what my sister has told them, she probably doesn’t believe me. I’ve been an asshole and will have to work to show I’m not the same person anymore.

“So, you mentioned you have so many boyfriends. What do you like about each of them?” I ask, feigning an innocent curiosity.

“Why do you want to know?” she asks.

“I mean, if I’m going to be in a relationship with the most beautiful woman, shouldn’t I know what I’m up against and who’s in there with me?”

She eyes me and shrugs. “Fine.”

I listen attentively as she begins to tell me about them, taking in the information, so I can beat them at their own game.

“You’ve already met Reese, so there’s no need to talk about him again.” I nod.

“There’s Clifford Hale,” she begins with a small smile. “He’s the opposite of Reese. Quite serious and dark. He’s 6” 4 with long dark hair worn in a low ponytail ninety percent of the time."

He’s the nerdy sort, complete with the glasses hiding intense black eyes. He likes me because I’m very good at math… better than he is, which was a blow to his ego before he realized how useful it could be for him,” she scoffs, shaking her head.

“My parents would freak out if they realized I’m dating him. His company is the rival of my family’s company, and he constantly tries to get me to work for him instead of joining the family business.” Her smile widens into a larger one than I’ve seen on her all evening.

“He has the biggest dick I’ve ever seen on a man. Not even you hold a candle to him.”

I put a hand to my chest, feigning hurt and she rolls her eyes. My mind unravels this man who I haven’t even met yet. Save for his looks, the only good quality he seems to possess is his brain and the size of his dick. While I’m not a math nerd like they are, I’m quite knowledgeable too. He’ll likely be the easiest to defeat.