Page 19 of Daring Enzo

“Well, I’m not.”

“That's not a relationship. Those are flings.” His voice rises higher as he gestures wildly.

I shrug. “Call it whatever you want, but we have steady correspondences.”

“What the fuck does that even- you know what? I don’t think I want to know,” he says, massaging between his brows with his fingertips. “All I know is that I want to be in a serious relationship with you.”

“Yeah, but you’re not listening to the fact, I don’t do serious relationships. And I especially don’t date men like you at all. You can’t handle a woman like me. I don’t deal with controlling bastards because I like to date as many men as I please. We’ll never see eye to eye on it, so it’s never going to work,” I explain, exasperated.

I sip my coffee, frowning when I once again taste the lukewarmness. I put it down, waiting for Enzo to leave.

Maybe I can enjoy one more cup after he leaves.

“Fine,” he grumbles.


“Fine. You cannot deny we have great physical chemistry. I’m fine with joining your list or your roster. Whatever you want to call it.”

“Wait, what? You want to join?” Our conversation so far has been weird, but this is the weirdest of all.

“Yes, why not? If they can do it, then so can I.”

“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. This isn’t a situation where you get to prove you’re better than everybody else and then I choose you. Here, everybody gets what they get and they don’t ask for more, and that includes you,” I explain.

“Yes, I understand what non-monogamous relationships mean.”

I frown at his tone of voice. “Really? Okay then, sure. Let’s date.” I say, like it’s a declaration of war while he sports the biggest grin ever like he’s already won.

I’m going to destroy you.



Ishrug on my shirt and spritz on some perfume as I prepare for my date with Kelly. The past week has been weird, but this is weirder still. The files my private investigator had presented to me came as a shock as I read through. What was more shocking was how much of a genius she was.

Although I’d not known her long enough to form a very solid opinion of the type of person she was on the day of the wedding, she’d avoided me as much as she could. My conversations with her had proved she was intelligent. What they don’t show, though, is she’s nerdy and smart. The type to be in a top-secret lab somewhere, creating things many would only consider conspiracy theories.

I’ve thought back and replayed every conversation we had; in none of them did she give off the nerdy vibe or show she was so smart. The files appear to be about a different person and not her. From what I read, she’s been running away from responsibilities in her father’s company and doesn’t even act like someone who comes from such a wealthy family; but then, wealthy people tend to stick together and move in the same circles, so it makes sense she’d be wealthy.

I’m certain none of Alessia’s friends come from poor or humble backgrounds.

Such a puzzling woman.

Everything I’ve read about her makes me even more curious and want to know all she’s willing to tell me, and then some. I’ve never met anyone as intriguing as she is. I slip into my tuxedo and stare at myself in the mirror. I push back my dark curls, meticulously styled to frame my face. The fitted black tuxedo shows off my broad shoulders, fueling my confidence. With one last glance at the mirror, I walk off.

Seeing Kelly smooching another guy right in front of me had been a big shock, especially since they’d shown no restraint. For a second, the thought of her cheating on her boyfriend and me being the other man had left a bitter taste in my mouth. That was before I decided I could use it to my advantage. I could walk up to the other man and tell him Kelly was cheating. If he fought for her, I would do the same and make sure to steal her away from him.

She’d so easily come plain about her non-monogamous relationships, meaning I didn’t have to fight one man but several.

I frown. How much is several, anyway?

I’m curious to ask her, however, the last thing I want is for her to think I’m intimidated by the number of men she has in her life.

“It doesn’t matter, Enzo. None of it does. You’re going to win and you’ll get your girl,” I say out loud in the empty hotel room.

Although she’d expressly stated we’ll all be treated the same, and there’s no way she’ll be choosing me out of all the others, I know I’m going to win her over. I grin, the plan already forming in my head. I’ll take her on the very best dates, better than whatever and whoever else I compete with could ever imagine. I’ll beat them in every aspect she considers to be their best parts until she sees I’m the best guy for her and dump all others.