Page 11 of Daring Enzo

It’s a pity we’ll never have sex again, but it’s for the best. Besides, I doubt he’ll want anything to do with me again, especially after how I had left him afterward. Laughter bubbles in my throat as I think of the confusion and shock that would be on his face when he wakes up to see the cash on the bedside table, and no trace of me.

He might be sad too…

I frown at the stray thought. He had shown a few moments of vulnerability and softness, that confused me. I remember his soft touch and the way he’d held me after. A different sort of longing bubbled up in my chest.

There’s no way I…miss him… is there?

A call comes in and I look at the caller ID just as the driver pulls up the partition divider to give me privacy. It’s my sister, Molly.

“Hiya Kelly,” she says from the other end of the line.

I smile as I hear her reserved voice for the first time in a while. I have not exactly been taking her calls, so she settles for texting whenever she wants to communicate with me. Now, there is no need to avoid her calls since I will see her, anyway.

“Hey, Molly,”

“Huh, you picked up this time.”

Her words fill me with amusement and a bit of something else I don’t want to think about.

“Yeah, I’ll be seeing you soon.”

“The driver informed me he’s picked you up already, so I just wanted to call. You are coming to the house straightaway, won’t you? You won’t be disappearing for a while?” she questions.

I bite my lip to hold back my grin. Maybe I've gotten into the habit of doing. I often disappear to destress and just bide my time before going home. Not this time, though.

“No, I’ll be coming straight to the house,” I respond.

The connection ends, and I sit back and close my eyes. I could not sleep on the plane ride over and woke up quite early.

We reach the familiar bend I still remember, even after staying away for so long. It doesn’t take long before the driver pulls up to the front of my family’s NYC home. I slide out of the car and stretch, taking in the sight of the tall, gorgeous building in front of me, housing a forty-five-million-dollar condo. When my family moved here, I was in awe of the magnificent building with its all-white paint and gold trimmings in strategic places. It was not long before the novelty wore off, though. Now, it’s just a house.

I slide my purse up over my shoulder and head to meet my sister. The doors open and there Molly stands. She looked a little different from the last time I had seen her… but ever so beautiful.

She cut her once long brown hair into a very short bob that stops just over her ears and compliments her green eyes. With her long neck and 5’9 slender frame, she looks like a regal queen from a futuristic dystopian novel. She also uses white eyeliner… I mean…

Her lips spread in a smile, and her eyes held warmth. She’s happy to see me, and although I avoid coming home, the feeling is the same.

“Kelly,” she says in a soft tone, holds so much love. She spreads her arms wide and smiles even wider until her eyes are almost hidden.

I walk in her arms with a smile of my own and breathe her in. I’ve missed her so much.

“I’ve missed you a lot. You should come home more,” she avows, voicing my thoughts.

I chuckle at her words. “I would, but I’m running away from my responsibilities, unlike you, who willingly accept them.”

Molly is a serious and responsible sister. I prefer not to be riddled with the burden of taking care of the family business. Molly was born for this. I’ve seen the look on her face when she works and I know it’ll never be me.

She raises a brow and shakes her head with an amused expression and a long-suffering sigh. “What will I do with you, Kelly?”

I grin. I’m the only one who brings out my sister’s playful side. I look at her face, studying her carefully.

“How have you been?” I ask. “I hope you’ve not been neglecting yourself for work.”

Molly shakes her head. “Honestly, not really, at least not in the way you think. Although I’m very focused on work, I still take time to rest. You don’t have to worry about your big sister.”

I nod as she smiles and looks around the large room. There’s been some changes to the décor since the last time I was here. A long black statue of a woman is positioned at the far end corner of the room. Several paintings are strategically placed on the walls, the only pop of color in the otherwise gray-and-white space.

A chandelier hangs low from the very high ceiling, over a marbled white and gray table. I look at the full glass walls. The view never stops being beautiful. There is lush greenery as far as the eyes can see, walled in by buildings on each side.