Mila’s face cleared a little and Billie finally found her tongue. “Agatha is good at music,” she said firmly.

“Huh,” said Mila, smiling now.

“Actually, she’s very good,” Billie said, warming to the theme. “I think your daughter is a very talented young lady.”

Mila beamed. “Good to know,” she said. “Um, maybe she could have extra lessons or something?”

Billie’s heart began to speed up. This was what she was afraid of. “Perhaps,” she started.

But Mila was already rushing on. “I don’t want to force her though. I’ll ask her, she can have them if she wants.”

“That’s a good idea,” Billie said, heart starting to slow again.

“The thing is, Billie’s afraid of pushing her too hard,” Jules interjected, sipping at her coffee.

Mila grinned. “A woman after my own heart then,” she said to Billie. “I agree. I only want Ag to do what she wants and what makes her happy. If that’s alright with you?”

Billie could feel relief like a cloak around her. “Perfectly fine by me, in fact it’s exactly what I would want for my own daughter.”

“You have a daughter?” Mila asked.

“Oh, no,” said Billie quickly. But in that instant she could imagine one. For the first time ever actually, she’d had a picture of herself with her own child. How odd.

“Right,” Mila said, frowning over at Jules, who was laughing at this. “Well, I’ll talk to Max about things and I’ll give you a ring, shall I?” she asked Billie.

“That sounds fair.”

“Perfect,” Mila said. “Now, tell me all the gossip about the school. Ava Stanford doesn’t come in here nearly as often as she used to. I heard that the headmaster has taken up internet dating.”

Jules leaned on the counter and raised an eyebrow. “He doesn’t have to look that far from home, Sylv at the shop’s on the lookout for a new boy-toy.”

Billie let them talk, feeling the weight of worry leaving her. She’d been troubling herself over nothing. Ag’s mum was exactly the kind of parent she should be, caring and yet concerned about what her child wanted.

Billie couldn’t help but wonder what she’d have said at Ag’s age if she’d been asked. But then, no one had bothered to ask her, had they?

The sound of crying came from the next room. Mila straightened up. “Eugh, Dash is going through that stage where he thinks naps are for other people’s children,” she said.

“We’ll get out of your hair,” said Jules. “Come on, Billie.”

And Billie surprised herself by saying: “Want to come back to mine?”

Jules grinned. “Alright.”

Which surprised Billie even more.

Chapter Eighteen

Jules reached out to touch the violin case, its black roughness feeling like scales. Billie had truly been worried about Agatha, she thought, she’d clearly been nervous talking to Mila, and now obviously felt better, relieved.

Which made Jules wonder what awfulness Billie’s childhood had held. And, maybe more to the point right now, what exactly had made Billie come running all the way home, when home had been a place she must have longed to escape from.

And because Jules was not known for her diplomacy or tact, when Billie came in bearing coffee, she asked.

The cups on the tray jiggled. “What business is it of yours?” Billie snapped, quickly lowering the tray to the coffee table before anything could spill.

“It’s not,” shrugged Jules. “I was just curious, that’s all.” She turned back to the violin case. “Will you play it for me?” She played badly enough often enough for Billie, she thought. It might be nice to hear some music played well for once.

Especially now that Alea was gone. Which was when she realized that she must have a thing for musicians, since she kept getting involved with them. Except she wasn’t exactly involved with Billie. Not at all involved.