“Why on Earth not?” Billie asked, putting an arm around her and helping her to sit up.

“Um, because you’ve just said you love me in front of the whole village and I haven’t even said it back,” Jules said.

“First, they wouldn’t have known that it was you if you hadn’t thrown yourself over the bar to get to me,” said Billie.

“It was romantic.”

“It was stupid. And second, why can’t you leave right now?” She leaned in closer so that her hair was brushing against Jules’s face, her lips tantalizingly close.

“Because…” Jules began.

Billie kissed her softly and gently. “Jules, do you feel the same?”

“Uh-huh,” was all Jules could say, the combination of the pain in her ankle and the kiss making it hard to form words.

“Then we’ve got all the time in the world to say everything that needs to be said, don’t we?” Billie said, straightening up.

“Alright, I’m coming in,” Josh bellowed, throwing the door open. “I’ve got a pub to run and I’m not an ambulance service.”

“Then give me the keys,” said Billie, holding out her hand. “I’ll take her and you stay here with your pub.”

Josh paused and put his head to one side. “Actually, that makes a fair bit of sense, doesn’t it.” He sniffed and handed over the keys. “She can’t walk though, not in that condition.”

Billie looked down at Jules and smiled a smile that made every cell in Jules’s body spark into flames. “Not a problem.”

With one swift movement, and before Jules knew what was happening, Billie swept her up into her arms.

“Jesus,” Jules breathed.

“I’m stronger than I look,” said Billie, barely even breathing hard. “Out of the way,” she said to Josh.

As Billie carried her out into the pub every person in the place cheered and whooped.

“I’m never going to live this down,” Jules said, burying her head in Billie’s chest.

“It’ll be a story to tell the grand-kids,” said Billie as Max opened the front door for them.

“Grand-kids?” Jules squeaked, raising her head again. “Do we even want kids?”

“All the time in the world,” Billie reminded her, then set to the task of getting Jules into the car.

THE BED HAD blue sheets and was hard as stone. But Jules was glad of it anyway. “I told you it wasn’t broken.”

“Better to check,” Billie said. “The nurse will come and bandage it, then we can get off home.”

“After the least romantic first date in history,” said Jules.

Billie shook her head. “I don’t need dates,” she said. “I don’t need anything but you, Jules.” She sighed and scratched her nose. “I don’t think I’m doing this properly.”

“I’m not sure that we’re doing this properly,” Jules said. “But then again, I’m not entirely sure that it matters.”

“No, it matters,” Billie said, turning her chair a little and pulling it closer. “It does matter.” She took a breath so deep that Jules could hear it. “Jules, I meant what I said. I’ve learned a lot over these last few weeks, and I’m going to do this. I’m going to build a life here. I’m auditioning for orchestras, I’ve got students here, and I’ve just stood up in front of the entire village and told them why I came back.”

“Yes,” Jules said quietly. “I heard that.”

“Because I don’t want any secrets, I don’t want to be afraid that I’ve come to the wrong place. And I want to be a part of your life,” Billie said. “Or maybe I want to build my own life that can fit in with yours, if that makes sense?”

Jules nodded. “It does.”