“What?” Billie said, her eyes flashing, her cheeks flushing pink.

“Admit that you kissed me because you wanted to kiss me.”

“As if,” Billie scoffed.

“Fine,” said Jules, taking a half-step backward. She saw the disappointment on Billie’s face and half-smiled. “Unless you want to reconsider your answer.”

“Why is this so important to you?” Billie whispered.

Jules could feel Billie’s breath on her cheek, she could feel her own pulse in her throat. “Because it is,” she said. “Because I’m not playing games, because if there’s something happening here I’m either all in or all out and I want to know which so that I can sleep at night.”

“You’re not sleeping?”

Jules shook her head a little. “Not really.”

Billie took a deep shuddering breath and Jules moved back in, closer again so that her hips were pressing against Billie’s and warmth flowed between them.

“I’m afraid,” Billie said quietly.

“So am I,” said Jules. “But that’s the way it has to be when you do something new, isn’t it?” She moved one hand so that she could tilt Billie’s chin up toward her. “Billie, I need you to listen to something.”

“Not that damn song again,” Billie started.

“No, no sarcasm, no jokes, no nothing. Just listen,” said Jules. She looked directly into Billie’s eyes. “I like you. I could really like you. You’re smart, you’re beautiful, and you’re sexy as all get out. But…”

“There has to be a but,” Billie said.

“I said enough,” said Jules. “Just listen. But… I won’t play games and I won’t keep secrets. If you’re interested in me then you need to be the whole package. You have to be able to communicate with me and you have to be able to become a part of my life, just like I would become a part of yours. If you can’t do that then there’s no point in even starting anything.”

Billie took another breath and Jules could see the down on her cheeks. “Okay,” she said slowly.

“Great, you can start by coming out with me tonight.”

“Tonight?” Billie’s eyes widened in alarm.

“Tonight,” confirmed Jules. “Josh has pulled the karaoke machine out of storage and we’re going to have a party at the pub. Everyone will be there, so what better time to come out? You’ll face everyone and get it all over with in one shot.

“I don’t know…”

Jules stroked the side of her jaw. “I’ll be there.”

Billie nodded slowly. “Alright. Alright, I can go. For half an hour.”

“Whatever you feel comfortable with.”

Billie swallowed and Jules could tell that she was working up to something. Jules let her head tilt slightly to one side, let her lips move in until they were brushing the very corner of Billie’s mouth and she didn’t know if she could control herself, if she could stop herself doing what she very much wanted to do.

“I wanted to,” Billie whispered.

Jules pulled back. “What?”

Billie looked straight into her eyes. “I wanted to kiss you. I kissed you because I wanted to. I don’t know what it is about you, you’re annoying ninety percent of the time, but the other ten percent all I want to do is…”

“Is what?” prompted Jules.

“This,” groaned Billie, pushing her fingers into Jules’s hair and pulling her face closer until their lips crashed together.

Jules let herself be pulled in, let her body press against Billie’s, let the warmth flow into her, let her hands skate gently over Billie’s curves until Billie groaned into her mouth and Jules felt her skin tingle with electricity and bells rang in her ears.