‘Come and hide with me.’ Hope patted the bench.
Instead of sitting beside her, Cam stretched out on his back, his head in her lap as he smiled up at her. ‘Are you having a nice evening?’
‘It’s looking more promising with every moment,’ she said, leaning down to claim another kiss.
‘Mmm, definitely.’
The desire in his eyes was enough for Hope to be grateful they were somewhat hidden on the bench. ‘Don’t look at me like that.’ She raised the cold surface of her glass to her face and pressed it to her hot cheek.
Cam’s smile deepened. ‘What should I look at instead?’
God, he was incorrigible. ‘Look over there.’ Hope tilted his head towards the other party guests, only to find her mother watching them with a knowing smile. ‘Maybe not over there,’ she amended quickly, turning him back to face her. ‘Why don’t you look at the stars? It’s a very pretty night.’
‘I’d rather look at you,’ Cam grumbled, but he rolled his head until he was staring straight up. ‘Oh, this is a much better view.’
Hope poked him in the ribs, making him giggle and squirm. Hmm, a ticklish spot, she’d have to file that away for later. As he settled back down, she tipped her head back until they were both looking upwards. The sky was every shade of dark blue from sapphire to the deepest indigo and covered in an over-blanket of glittering stars.
‘I never really think about the effects of light pollution in the city until I come to the countryside and it’s like being in a planetarium or something.’ Cam’s voice had taken on an almost dreamy quality and she wondered if he was exploring those distant galaxies in his imagination. ‘What I wouldn’t give for a telescope right now.’
She’d never really thought much about the view above her being something other people didn’t get to experience all the time. How many times had she got lost in the dark walking home from the village with a phone battery too flat to work the torch function? She’d have given anything for a few streetlights then. ‘I didn’t know you were a stargazer,’ she said. ‘I thought you were more interested in things under the earth.’
Laughing, Cam sat up and twisted around so his feet were resting on the ground, the heat of his body mere inches from hers. He slung an arm along the back of the bench, sliding close until there wasn’t a whisper of breath between them. His fingers toyed with the ends of her ponytail, their tips brushing her nape in a way that was so distracting, Hope almost missed his next words. ‘I’m definitely drawn to what’s below rather than above, but when the night puts on a display like this, it’s hard not to be in awe.’
Hope knew she should get back to the other guests, but she couldn’t resist the urge to cuddle against him, using his solid chest as a cushion for her head as they watched the milky way dance and sparkle overhead. ‘Are you all set for the morning?’
Cam curled his arm around her as though he too was trying to hold onto the moment. ‘As ready as we can be. I’ve already had a quiet word with Declan before he and his wife headed off for the evening and I’ve promised him I’ll start rounding people up soon before we risk too many sore heads. I want everyone on their game tomorrow. We won’t be digging, but still, I don’t want anyone hungover.’
Hope nodded. ‘Zap watered all the cocktails down, so unless someone has necked half a dozen, then they should be okay. Perhaps I should swap them all out now and just leave the soft drinks?’ She stirred reluctantly but it didn’t take much more than a flex of Cam’s arm for her to settle back against him. ‘Five more minutes,’ she murmured.
He dropped a kiss on her head. ‘Everyone here is an adult and I expect them to be able to behave responsibly. Anyone who isn’t fit in the morning will be sent back to their tent with a warning.’
Hope looked at the party before them. Dirty plates and half-empty glasses littered the tables, and she felt a tug of conscience. ‘I need to start tidying up.’
‘Can’t wait to get away from me, huh?’ There was a teasing note in Cam’s voice that let her know he was joking.
‘Invite me over tomorrow evening and we can snuggle in peace for as long as you like.’
‘Now that sounds like a plan.’ Cam eased her off his chest, stood and held out his hand. ‘Come on, then. Once we make a start, I’m sure the others will get the hint.’
As he’d predicted, Hope had barely picked up the first stack of dirty plates when Adam spotted her and held out his hands. ‘Here, let me.’
‘Thank you. Take them into the kitchen and you can just leave them on the table.’
‘Well done for getting things started.’ Aunt Rowena appeared at Hope’s side and gave her a quick squeeze. ‘Your mum and I will sort out in the kitchen if you can handle things out here?’
‘Thanks. Hopefully it won’t take too long to sort everything out.’
Rowena nodded over to where Cam was organising the students. ‘How are things with Mr Still Waters?’
When Hope swung to face her aunt, she was faced with a knowing grin. ‘There’s a ripple or two,’ she conceded.
Rowena laughed as she nudged Hope in the ribs. ‘Just wait until the flood gates open.’
‘Ro!’ Hope’s half-horrified, half-amused gasp had several heads turning in their direction, including Cam’s.
‘I’ll go and pop the kettle on!’ Rowena declared, her expression now one of complete innocence before she turned on her heel and left a blushing Hope to deal with the curious watchers.
‘No coffee for us,’ Cam said, coming to her rescue. ‘We’re heading off as soon as everything is cleared away.’ It was enough to get the others moving again.