Instinctively they all looked towards the burning field. It was still well ablaze, but the wind seemed to have shifted direction and was carrying the smoke away from the campsite.
‘Right,’ said Ziggy, sounding determined. ‘Let’s not waste this window of opportunity because the wind might change again at any minute.’ He turned to his brother. ‘You and Rhys go and see if you can get the campervans on their way.’
‘Me and my guys can handle the car park,’ Declan said and with a nod from Ziggy, he strode away.
Which just left Cam. ‘What can I do?’
Ziggy shot him a grateful smile. The strain around his eyes was palpable, but his voice was as calm and steady as ever when he replied. ‘Can you head for the tents and help whoever you can see who needs it?’
Cam nodded. ‘Absolutely. My team are already there packing up, I’ll ask for volunteers to help.’
Ziggy placed a hand on his arm. ‘The moment that smoke shifts back, I want you all to get the hell out of there, okay?’ His grip tightened briefly. ‘You matter to Hope, you matter to all of us. Things can be replaced – people can’t.’
Touched by the sentiment, Cam rested his hand on top of Ziggy’s for a moment. ‘I promise, and you be careful too. Whatever is going on with you and Hope, you are the father she needs.’
‘Go on now.’ Ziggy’s voice sounded gruff, but he was smiling as he headed off towards the firefighter in a white helmet who looked to be the one in charge of the scene. As he jogged towards the campsite, Cam had a choked feeling in his throat that wasn’t only down to the smoke.
He arrived in time to find Adam, Scott and the others loading rucksacks onto their backs and tucking bedrolls under their arms. When he asked if anyone was willing to volunteer to assist the other campers, every one of them volunteered. With a bit of reshuffling of loads, half the group went off to stow their gear in the vehicles, ready for a quick exit, while the rest of them split into pairs and approached the nearest tents to see what could be done.
Luck was with them, it seemed, because the worst of the smoke stayed away. A steady stream of campervans trundled past on the far side of the campsite, so it looked as if Zap and Rhys were managing to control things over there. It was a bit more chaotic for Cam and the team because people were trying to pack, keep an eye on their children and break down their tents all at the same time. We can only do our best, Cam reminded himself as he and Scott moved from tent to tent. Some were grateful for the help, others preferred to manage on their own, but all were grumbling about the stink of smoke that clung to everything.
He was trying to comfort a crying toddler with a nose so snotty it was enough to put Cam off fatherhood for life when he heard a sharp whistle from behind him. Jiggling the little boy in the crook of his arm while waving a grubby rabbit with the other, Cam turned to see Rhys waving both arms high over his head. Cam couldn’t exactly dump the child down, so he called to Scott. ‘Run over and see what’s going on with Rhys, will you?’
With a nod, the boy loped away and Cam kept one worried eye on him while he tried to cajole his new little friend. ‘It’s all right,’ he crooned, rocking the boy. ‘Look, your mummy is right there.’
The boy’s harassed-looking mother glanced up from where she was stuffing clothes into a bag. ‘Be a brave boy, Oscar.’ She flashed Cam a quick smile. ‘I can’t thank you enough for this.’
‘It’s fine, really. I’m just so sorry that everyone’s holiday has been spoiled, but at least no one’s hurt.’
She nodded. ‘I keep telling myself that’s the main thing.’
Whether it was the jiggling or the dancing rabbit, or just plain boredom on Oscar’s part when he realised he was stuck with Cam for the time being, the boy quieted down and rested his head against Cam’s chest. Tucking the rabbit into the boy’s arms, Cam continued to rock from side to side as he waited impatiently for Scott to return.
‘Cows!’ Scott blurted out as soon as he was within earshot. ‘There’s cows loose on the road. One of the campervans almost collided with the herd but managed to stop in time.’ Scott sucked in a deep breath and let the rest of his words out in a fast stream. ‘Rhys and Zap have gone to try and sort it out, but we need to hold everyone here.’
‘Run and tell Declan as he’s in charge of the car park and then find Ziggy, okay?’
Scott dashed off without a word and Cam hugged the little boy close to his chest. ‘What the hell else is going to go wrong today, eh, Oscar?’
Hope had just finished settling the last of the hotel guests in the conservatory with morning tea and cakes when her phone started ringing. She muted it and smiled down at the couple in front of her. ‘I want to thank you again for your understanding and patience. As soon as we have an update from the fire brigade, I’ll personally update you.’
‘Is everyone safe?’ The woman cast a worried glance towards the windows, where a faint haze of dark smoke was hanging in the distance.
‘As far as we are aware. The fire is outside the boundary of the estate, we’re just keeping everyone inside as a precaution for now. If you’ll excuse me for just one moment?’
The moment she was out of earshot, Hope grabbed her phone and returned her cousin’s call. ‘Rhys? Is everything all right?’
A car horn blasted and she thought she could hear someone shouting. ‘Get back in your car!’ Rhys yelled and then he spoke into the phone. ‘Fucking nightmare! The cows have broken through the fence on the west pasture and have strayed all over the road. Don’t let anyone leave the Hall until we’ve got them contained, okay?’ He muffled the phone and yelled something again which she couldn’t catch.
‘Who’s with you to help?’ she demanded when he got back on the line.
‘Dad’s here and a couple of stockmen from the farm. We’re okay but there’s a bloody queue of traffic from people trying to leave the campsite and… Christ! Someone’s trying to cut across the bloody field. I’ve got to go!’
The phone went dead, and all Hope could do was stare at it as she blew out a breath and tried to keep calm.
A gentle touch on her arm had her turning to face her mother. ‘Everything all right?’ Stevie asked.