Page 58 of Where We Belong

‘You mean you don’t know what you’re doing,’ Willoughby scoffed. ‘That’s no surprise.’

‘I mean these very early results are not what we were expecting, so we are in the process of cataloguing what is coming out of the pits while Dr Barnard does some further research into the family’s extensive archive to try and give us a better picture of activity on the site.’

‘Surely that’s something you should’ve done before dragging everyone here and wasting all this money? I only let Scott come on this blasted wild goose chase because you’d promised there was something worth finding! Look at this junk.’ Willoughby aimed a kick that sent one of the brick fragments skittering across the grass.

‘Hey!’ Cassie protested just as Cam stepped into Willoughby’s personal space.

He wasn’t nearly as broad as the other man, but he had an inch or two of height on him. Confrontation was not his style, at all, but a line had been crossed and he was not prepared to stand for any more of this idiot and his nonsense. ‘Enough. We’ve done our best to accommodate you, for Scott’s sake, not for yours, but I will not have you causing damage to this site. I think it’s time you returned to the hotel and spa to enjoy the rest of your weekend. I’m sure the Travers family will do everything they can to facilitate your stay.’

Willoughby’s face turned red and for a worrying moment, Cam thought he was going to get a punch in the mouth for his troubles. He dug deep and held his place, refusing to let this man bully him as he had so many other people. With a snort of disgust, Willoughby turned away. Cam’s relief was short-lived as the other man rounded on his son. ‘Get your stuff. It’s clear you’ve let this charlatan play you for a fool, but I’ve indulged this pathetic little hobby of yours for long enough. You’re coming home with me today.’

Scott turned pale as a ghost, but he shook his head. ‘No. I’m staying here.’

Willoughby took a step towards him and immediately the other members of the team moved forward until they formed a semi-circle around Scott. They didn’t say anything, but their message was clear enough. ‘I said get your stuff,’ Willoughby snapped again, but he didn’t move any closer.

‘And I said no. This isn’t a hobby, this is my future career you’re trying to jeopardise and I’m sick to death of you trying to push me around. Go home, Dad, you’re not welcome here.’

‘You’ll be singing a different tune when you realise you can’t earn a living grubbing about in the dirt. When you do finally figure it out, don’t bother to come crying to me, boy, because you’ve burned your bridges once and for all. I’ve wasted all the time I’m going to on hauling your arse out of the fire – you’re on your own from now on.’ Willoughby swung towards Cam, literally shaking with rage. ‘And as for you! I’ll be speaking to the vice chancellor about you. You might have got away with it last time, but I won’t rest until you’re out of a job!’

Cam felt sick at the thought of being hauled over the coals by the university administrators again, but just as before, he’d done nothing wrong. ‘You’ve threatened that before, Mr Willoughby. Now why don’t you do us all a favour and go home.’

‘Don’t worry, I’m going!’

Cam let him stalk off as far as the compound, before realising the blasted man had no way to get back to the Hall without walking as he and Scott had given him a lift. ‘Make sure he’s all right, will you?’ he asked Cassie with a quick nod towards where the rest of the team had gathered around Scott, then he jogged across the site for what was going to be a very unpleasant drive.

In the end, Declan agreed to drive Willoughby back, while Cam followed in his own vehicle. He shoved his Bluetooth headphone in and called Hope as he was driving away. ‘How’s it going?’ she asked as soon as she picked up.

‘Disastrous, I’m afraid. Willoughby’s on his way back to the Hall with Declan. He’s leaving immediately. I wanted to give you the heads up in case he causes a scene.’

‘Oh no, how awful for you all. Look, I’m still up here, so let me get on to Mum and we’ll get his bags brought down from his room. With any luck, we’ll be in time to catch him outside and he can go straight to his car.’

Not wanting to leave either her or Stevie to deal with Willoughby when he was the source of the man’s ire, Cam pulled up next to Declan as he stopped outside the front of the Hall. ‘Hope is already arranging for Mr Willoughby’s bags to be brought down so we might as well head straight to the car park so he can load his car.’

‘Desperate to see the back of me, eh?’ the florid-cheeked man sneered, leaning across from the passenger seat.

In response, Cam pressed the button to roll up the window and turned his car around to lead Declan to the car park tucked behind one of the later extensions at the rear. They’d just parked when the rear door opened and Hope appeared, a smartly dressed young man on her heels carrying a weekend bag and towing a matching suitcase. ‘I’m sorry to see you go before you had a chance to fully appreciate our facilities, Mr Willoughby,’ Hope said.

‘I’ve already wasted enough of my time this weekend.’ Willoughby pointed to a large maroon Jaguar. ‘Over there, boy,’ he snapped as he pulled a set of keys out of his pocket, pointed a fob towards the car and unlocked it.

If Hope felt the same level of disdain as Cam did for the dismissive way Willoughby spoke to the porter, not a flicker of it showed on her calm face. Cam made a note never to play poker with her. ‘Well, you’ll be welcome to return any time,’ Hope said with a smile as she gestured towards the car.

They’d barely taken half a dozen steps towards the Jaguar when the porter came dashing over and whispered something in Hope’s ear. Cam didn’t need to see Hope’s eyes widen to know there was a problem, the lad’s pallid complexion was enough. ‘If you could wait here a moment, Mr Willoughby.’ Hope didn’t wait for a reply, her boots scuffing on the tarmac as she marched over to the car with the porter beside her.

The porter gestured at the side of the Jaguar before turning to point at the car next to it. ‘If someone’s dented my door, there’ll be hell to pay!’ Willoughby snarled as he set off after them.

Cam exchanged a quick ‘what now’ look with Declan before they jogged over to see what the problem was.

It didn’t take more than a couple of steps to catch up with Willoughby. Cam took one look at the man’s face and genuinely feared for Willoughby’s health. It shouldn’t be possible for a human to turn that shade of puce and not be having a stroke or a heart attack. Cam glanced over at the side of the Jaguar and wondered if he too might have a medical incident when he saw the ugly, jagged scratch running almost the full length of the bodywork. Feeling sick, he met Hope’s worried eyes and she nodded mutely towards the black Ford parked next to it. A second ugly gouge traced the side of that vehicle too.

‘What the bloody hell?’ Willoughby managed to choke out as he bent to stroke the damaged paintwork.

‘I’m so very sorry, Mr Willoughby,’ Hope said, crouching next to him. ‘We will of course pay for the repairs.’

‘Damn right, you will!’ Willoughby all but roared in her face.

The force of his mottled fury would’ve knocked most people over, but Hope merely straightened and turned to the porter. ‘Check every car in the vicinity. Don’t touch anything, though.’

‘I’ll give him a hand.’ Declan pulled out his phone and followed the porter. Cam saw them stop at the next car in the row and knew they had a serious problem when Declan raised his phone and began to take photos.