Page 34 of Where We Belong

Scott raised his head, his expression one of such abject misery that Hope wanted to reach out and hug him. ‘He’s really mad at me for coming on the dig. He’d lined up a summer job for me at his company. I’ve told him a million times that I’m not interested in working in the leisure industry, but he just won’t listen.’ The phone began to ring again, and the poor kid looked close to tears of frustration.

Reaching out, Cam took the phone from Scott, pressed the button to reject the call and tucked it away in his pocket. ‘New site rule. All phones are to be handed in and locked away in the site office. I don’t want anyone distracted, is that understood?’

The relief on Scott’s face was like the sun breaking out from behind a dark cloud. ‘Understood, Dr Ferguson.’

He turned to go but Cam called him back. ‘You’re not a child, Scott, and we’re not in school, so you should call me Cameron or Cam.’

‘O… okay, Cam. Thanks again.’ Scott’s smile this time was sweeter, and a little shy. ‘I’ll make sure everyone is ready for the briefing, shall I?’

As he loped off, the phone began to ring again. With a muttered curse, Cam tossed it into the boot of his car, slammed it shut and locked it. ‘Controlling bastard.’

It was the first time Hope had heard him swear, certainly the first time she’d seen him angry. ‘Is there a problem I need to know about?’

Slinging an arm around Hope’s shoulders, Cam sighed. ‘Scott’s father and I have a bit of a history and let’s just say I’m not his favourite person. He likes to throw his weight around, that’s all. We’re going to have to keep a close eye on Scott for the next few weeks. Adam’s already taken him under his wing, it seems, so I’ll ask him to make sure Scott isn’t getting too much of a hard time from his dad.’

Hope leaned her head against him. ‘You’re a good man. I’m sure that with a little guidance from you, Scott will find a way to deal with it.’

He gave her a quick squeeze before his arm fell away. ‘I hope so. Come on, Declan’s already giving us a death stare and I don’t want to annoy him on the first day.’

After the briefing and a quick tour of the site, Hope led the convoy of cars around the estate to the campsite and left the students in the capable hands of her mother and Rowena to get them settled in and make sure they had everything they needed. By the time she returned to the site compound, another couple of cars had arrived and she was just in time to exchange a word with Rhys, who was heading back out. ‘There’s only one more person arriving today, so I’m heading back to the farm,’ he said. ‘Z and Z seem happy enough to hang about by the gate and wait for them. They’ve set themselves up with a couple of camp chairs and a picnic.’

Hope grinned. ‘They’re probably enjoying the peace and quiet.’ She glanced towards the two cars and the noisy group who were spilling out of one. ‘Can’t say I blame them.’

Rhys laughed. ‘They’ll calm down a bit once everyone is settled in. See you later!’

He drove off with a wave, leaving Hope to negotiate her way to a parking spot without running anyone over. She’d just parked and got out when a pretty blonde jumped out of the second car and made a smiling beeline for Cam. His face lit up the moment he saw her and he swept her up into a tight hug. Hope might have felt a bit awkward at their apparent intimacy if Cam hadn’t immediately raised his head and called out to her. ‘Hope, hey! Come and meet one of my favourite people in all the world.’

Well, with an invitation like that, how could she refuse? Intrigued to meet another one of Cam’s friends, Hope walked over to join them. ‘Hello.’

‘Hello.’ The blonde gave her a speculative look before turning back to Cam. ‘Well, introduce us then!’ she said, giving him a little poke in the middle with one finger.

Cam batted her away. ‘Behave! Hope, this is Cassie. She and I go back a long way. Cassie, this is Hope.’

Well, that wasn’t much of an introduction. ‘Hope Travers, it’s a pleasure to meet you,’ Hope said as they shook hands. ‘My family own the estate and I’m the one who accidentally uncovered the ruins. So, how exactly do you two know each other?’

‘We were undergrads together,’ Cassie said. ‘And we’ve been friends ever since.’ Her tone was just bland enough that Hope couldn’t help wondering how close their friendship might have been.

Cam curled an arm around Hope’s waist. ‘Cassie left me for another man when we were first-year students, but I’m just about over it now.’

Cassie threw back her head and laughed. ‘Oh, what absolute rubbish! You and I were the most unsuitable match going.’ She turned to Hope, mirth shining in her eyes. ‘He actually thanked Ed for taking me off his hands during his best man’s speech, can you believe it?’

Hope grinned, liking this funny, bubbly woman already. ‘Shocking behaviour! I’m appalled.’

‘Oh, I knew I was going to like you!’

‘Did you now?’ Hope looked up at Cam. There was a hint of a blush on his cheeks. Had he been talking about her with his friends, then? Well, well, well. Holding out a hand to Cassie, Hope drew her arm through hers. ‘Let me make you a coffee and you can give me all the inside info I need on Dr Ferguson.’

‘It would be my pleasure,’ Cassie said, giving her arm a squeeze. They took one look at the rather discomforted look on Cam’s face and both burst out laughing. Hope would make it up to him later, but it wouldn’t do any harm to make him sweat a bit in the meantime.


Cam led the excited group along the trail from the campsite towards the farm, pointing out the landmarks he’d used to help memorise the route as well as the little marker posts. He was that strange combination of exhausted and hyped up. After their early start, it had been a long day and part of him wanted to stay in the peace and quiet of his lodge and chill out on the patio with nothing but the sound of the birds and the breeze rippling through the trees – and Hope by his side, of course.

He wasn’t a naturally outgoing person and one of the biggest challenges he’d had to overcome to do his job was being the centre of attention. On a one-to-one basis or leading a small discussion group, he had no problems with his confidence. The first time he’d had to stand in front of a full lecture theatre, though? He’d thrown up before, almost during, and several times afterwards. His nerves had become so bad, one of the senior lecturers had suggested he do some cognitive behavioural therapy to conquer them.

It was during that process that he’d come to understand it wasn’t just because he was a naturally reserved person. Though he’d challenged it at first when his therapist had raised it, he’d slowly come to accept that part of his lack of self-belief was to do with his working-class roots. He’d mistakenly believed the therapist had been insinuating he felt some kind of hidden shame towards his parents, but she’d carefully explained it was more to do with him unconsciously taking on the lack of expectation society had towards boys like him being able to succeed. Throughout his education, he’d been treated as something of an anomaly by his teachers. A poor white boy who came from a strong, stable home where both parents worked and encouraged his love of learning. That didn’t match the messaging at all. He wondered how many of his peers had lost out on opportunities to excel because they were written off before they had a chance to get going.

He looked around the group and was saddened to be reminded that not one of them was from a background like his. Those students were off working for the summer, earning as much money as they could to shore themselves up financially for the coming academic year. Cam had been able to eke out a small stipend from his budget for everyone coming on the dig, but it was only enough to cover food and basic essentials. Even the most frugal of them would struggle to have anything left at the end of the summer. It was something Cam should’ve thought about before, he was dismayed to admit to himself.