Page 95 of Some Like It Spicy

“Yes and no.” Xolani revealed, “He conned me into making a crappy bet with him. And now he says that since I lost, I have to clear the driveway for him.”

Her mother immediately settled back down and laughed. “I’m not getting in the middle of you two’s nonsense.”

Xolani whined. “Moooommy!”

“Uh-uh.” Kwezi shook her head. “Keep my name out your mouth.”

“Mm mm mm,” Celia chimed in with a disapproving click of her tongue. “This is why I can’t take you to bingo-night with me. You’re a terrible loser. If you make a bet, you better be ready to lose. You lost, so stop being a pussy and_”

“Ma!” Kwezi reprimanded. “Language!”

Trying to look all innocent, Celia asked, “What is wrong with saying pussy?”

“It’s a bad word.”

“Bad word!” Celia muttered beneath her breath. “What are we? Three-years-old.”

Kwezi said, “I heard you.”

Celia retorted, “I meant for you to hear me.”

Kwezi huffed. “Ma, you promised that this holiday you wouldn’t cuss.”

“When? When did I make that promise?” Celia offered, “Are you sure it wasn’t when I was having one of my dementia moments.”

With a snort, Kwezi reminded her, “You don’t have dementia.”

“How you know?”

“Because I take you to all your doctor’s appointments and…”

The pair continued arguing back and forth. Xolani decided to exit the scene. Clearly, she was not getting any help from this corner either.

Grumbling under her breath, she layered up in a heavy jacket, scarf and woolen cap, then put on her snow boots. She made her way to the garage. As she grabbed a shovel from the tool shelf, she couldn’t help wishing that Barry was here.

Her Barry was the quintessential gentleman.

If he was here, he wouldn’t have let her brother railroad her into a bad bet. And even if the bet still happened, Barry never would’ve let her go out in the cold, cold weather to shovel snow.

God, she missed him.

In these last seven months, she’d never once regretted being his girlfriend. He was everything she wanted in a man; respectful, generous, dependable, understanding, and oh so loving. He spoilt her with love… so much love, to the point where it felt like no one had ever loved her as much as he did. She often pinched herself to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming, and that this was her reality now.

All the fears she’d had about having to share his love with other women proved to be completely baseless. Every day, Barry made it clear that he was hers and hers alone.

Even at work, he was very open about his affections for her.

The news that they were dating caused a bit of a buzz. But soon, another ‘scandal’ displaced them from the company’s rumor mill. A few of his admirers tried to butt into their relationship, but Barry made it clear that his heart, body, and soul all belonged to Xolani.

His unquestionable love made her love him too.

She loved him completely, desperately, and with every inch of her being. She loved him so much that at times she was scared that her love for him would suffocate him. But he’d never shown signs of being overwhelmed be her. If anything, he was always trying to get more love from her… in and out of the bedroom.

This was supposed to be their first official Christmas together, and he’d agreed to spend it with her family. Unfortunately, he was out of the state for an industry event and would only be back on the evening of 24th. That meant that she’d have to deal with her cruel family alone for two more days.

Oh, she missed him.

Sighing all the way, she dragged herself out of the garage then started to shovel snow to the side of the driveway.