Page 56 of Some Like It Spicy

Anika frowned. “But it’s not a relationship?”

“No, it’s not.” Xolani sighed. “It’s complicated.”

“In short, you want him bad, bad, bad,” Justine sang while grinning. “And you’re willing to waive your terms and conditions just so you can get him to break your back.”

Xolani laughed. “I guess that’s the simple way to put it.”

“I should’ve known this would happen. I told you I felt a vibe.” Anika added, “And when you told me about the kiss_”

“Kiss?” Justine interrupted with a shocked look at both her friends. “What kiss?”

Anika informed her. “There was a kiss.”

“When? How? Why do I not know?” Justine was outraged. “Are you two being besties without me?”

“No one’s being besties without you,” Xolani soothed. “It was just a random kiss. Nothing worth mentioning.”

Justine scoffed. “Definitely not random if it led to you getting in his bed.”

“Exactly what I said.” Anika added, “You two have awesome chemistry and seem perfect for each other.” She sighed in disappointment. “But this isn’t what I saw happening. I thought you two would end up dating, not_”

“Fucking?” Justine asked with tongue in cheek.

“Language!” Anika replied with a narrow-eyed glare that only made Justine laugh.

“This isn’t how I saw things going either,” Xolani admitted. “But what can you do?”

Justine said, “What you can do is officially introduce him to us.”

“You’ve already met him,” Xolani reminded her.

“We’ve met him as your friend,” Justine corrected, “not as your lover.”

Xolani asked. “There’s a difference?”

“There’s a difference,” Justine said, and Anika nodded in agreement. Justine continued, “The last time I met him, I wasn’t watching him because I thought he was just a colleague. But now that he’s more, we need to assess whether he will treat you right.”

“He doesn’t need to treat me right.” Xolani harrumphed. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“It doesn’t matter. He’s still_” Justine snuck a look at Anika before choosing her words carefully. “He’s still stuffin your muffin, and that almost the same.”

Xolani laughed. “Stuffin your muffin. That’s new.”

She made a note to share it with Barry.

“Stop laughing. This is serious,” Anika scolded, forcing Xolani to hold in her laugh. “You need to set up a date for us to hang out with him.”

“Hang out with him and do what?”

Justine answered, “Make sure he’s not an axe-murderer.”

“Pass.” Xolani snorted. “I don’t want you two interrogating him and making things awkward between us.”

“We won’t interrogate him,” Anika protested.

At the same time Justine, said, “And no one has ever accused me of making things awkward.”

“It’s still a hard no,” Xolani insisted.