IT WAS A GOOD THING that Barry didn’t get out of the cab with Xolani that night. Who knows what would’ve happened had he decided to walk her up to her apartment. She wasn’t sure that she would’ve been able to stop things from going wild.
But he went home, leaving her with only her imagination for company.
However, her imagination was great at filling in the blanks. For several nights, she dreamt of what would’ve happened next had he come up to her house. Dirty was an understatement for her fantasies. Every morning, she woke up embarrassed and blushing because of the things her mind had come up with.
She wondered if Barry was having the same dreams.
They talked to each other a couple of times on the phone over the following days, but the kiss didn’t come up. At all. Was he deliberately avoiding talking about it? Or was it not a big deal to him?
Not knowing what he was thinking was just as frustrating as the titillating dreams.
Part of her wanted to bring it up, but her pride wouldn’t let her. Bringing it up first would mean that she cared more about the kiss than he did.
She didn’t see him in person the whole week. But on Sunday, at eleven in the morning, he called her.
“What are you up to?” Barry asked as soon as they got the usual pleasantries out of the way.
“Nothing much.” Xolani was seated on her couch with her laptop on her lap and the TV playing in front of her. “I’m just messing around on YouTube while I wait for Juggernaut to premier.”
Juggernaut was a fantasy thriller series that was slated to drop later in the afternoon.
“You’re waiting for Juggernaut too?”
“I saw the trailers, and it looks worth the wait.” She asked, “You too?”
“Yeah.” Sounding excited, he suggested, “Why don’t we watch it together at my place?”
Immediately, Xolani tensed. Her fingers paused over her laptop’s keys. “You want to watch it together?”
“Sure. Why do it separately when we can do it together?” He added, “Plus, you get to check out my place, and I can finally show off my cooking skills.
She stammered, “I… I don’t know.”
“Don’t worry, it will be fun,” Barry coaxed. “I promise.”
She wasn’t worried about a lack of fun. It was the opposite. She was worried they’d have too much fun. Still, this was the perfect opportunity to bring up the kisses and let him know that it couldn’t happen again.
“Okay,” she agreed. “What’s your address?”
“It’s easier for me to text it to you,” he said. “What time will you come over?”
“The show starts at two. So… one?”
“One’s perfect. I’ll see you then.” He ended the call. Seconds later, her phone beeped. It was a text message with his address.
Xolani put aside her computer and hopped off the couch. One p.m. was just two hours away. That wasn’t enough time to do all the things she needed to do. First, she needed to shower. Sure, she’d already showered once this morning, but that was four hours ago. She wasn’t about to smell funky on her first visit to Barry’s home.
What would she wear? She certainly couldn’t go in anything like the t-shirt and sweatpants that she was wearing now. They were too baggy and not flattering. But she couldn’t go wearing her best dress either. Otherwise, he’d think she was trying to impress him, which she was not.
Hmm! She tapped her lips with her index finger as she walked around her walk-in closet. What says I’m seductive but not trying to seduce you?
After almost half an hour of picking out clothes, trying them on, then tossing them away in disgust, she settled on a white crop-top with ripped, slim-fit denim pants. The outfit was sexy without being too obvious. Her next task was finding shoes. It took her another half hour to decide on gray vans.
She used the last hour to shower, dress, and do her makeup.
Why was she doing makeup when this was just a casual hangout? Well, because a girl had to look good at all times. She wasn’t doing it to look good for Barry. Not. At. All.
At twelve-forty-five, she grabbed her biker jacket and her car-keys then left the house. She stopped by a store to grab a bottle of wine as her contribution to their meal before heading his way.