“Hey,” she said, sticking her head in but not moving farther.

“Come in,” I said, hearing the coldness in my voice and hating it. No matter what, there was no reason to be even the least bit harsh to our female.

“So, this is where you sculpt. Koa showed me some of your sculptures around the house while he was cooking.”

I nodded. Her hair was up, and she’d changed clothes. Showered, too, or maybe took a bath. She smelled like the bath salts we’d bought for her. “What’s he making?” I asked.

“Cottage pie and some broccoli-cheese something. I don’t know but it smelled good. He was baking a dessert pie, too, but wouldn’t let me see it.”

I chuckled. Sounded like Koa. “Make yourself at home. I come here to clear my mind. Sometimes it turns into art and other times, it’s nothing.”

She walked around and, while I pretended to keep going on the piece in front of me, I was watching her. She reached out and touched several sculptures and stopped to regard them, cocking her head this way and that, looking at them from all angles. I found contentment with her in my space. I embraced my fate. Even if she never accepted us, this would be enough. Loving her and knowing we had a mate would have to be enough. Did I want more? Of course. Did I want her thoroughly marked and mated to both of us? Absolutely.

Would I take whatever she chose to give us? Yes.

“You’re talented, Orion.” My Bigfoot bloomed under her praise.

“Thank you, Dru.”

She smiled. “You two started calling me Dru. I like it. I usually don’t let anyone call me that.”

“I’m honored.” I gave her a little bow, making her giggle. A text came through. “That’s Koa. Food is ready. Are you hungry?”

She started toward the door but paused. “Aren’t you coming?”

“Of course.”

We walked back to the house together, and it took everything in me not to reach out for her hand. I wanted those little silly things in my life. Holding her hand. Calling her from work. Making her coffee.

Koa served us a meal that wouldn’t be forgotten anytime soon. It was a simple cottage pie and a side dish, but he made everything with care. While Koa was cutting the pie and getting out the ice cream, I went outside and started a small fire in the fire pit and arranged the chairs there. The views from our cabin were spectacular at night, and I didn’t want her to miss them.

“I started the fire in case you want to sit outside with us.” I brushed her shoulder with my hand. She didn’t move away.

“We can bring dessert out there,” Koa offered.

“That sounds good,” she said. We gathered everything on a tray and brought it outside. I grabbed a blanket for Dru, and she took it and wrapped herself up.

“This is fantastic, Koa,” she exclaimed after moaning over the blackberry-peach pie.

“I’m glad you are enjoying it.” He had shrunk back a bit since Druscilla retreated to her room, much like he had when we didn’t know if she was his mate as well.

We pointed out several of the constellations, and she asked us some more questions about mates and sasquatches. Most of them revolved around those cruel and nasty rumors about our kind, and she wanted to dispel as many as possible with her writings.

Her questions became more personal. About sharing a mate. About biting and marking. Before long, I knew she was no longer curious because of her work. At some point during the afternoon, she’d become inquisitive for herself.

“Would—would both of you mate me at the same time or separately?”

Koa nearly choked on the last of his pie.

“What do you want, female?” my Bigfoot spoke through me. She wrung her hands. This was hard for her. Humans, from what I knew, weren’t so open and honest about sexual preferences or needs. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Druscilla. Whatever you need or want, you will be given.”

Her blush rivaled the reds in the fire between us. “I want both of you.”

“There is no pressure, Druscilla. We’ve already told you that. You don’t have to decide today.”

The reflection of the flames danced in her eyes. “I always play it safe. I have a plan for my life and I follow it. Ever since I was a kid. I played by the rules. I did everything I was supposed to.”

She stumped me with that. Neither of us had anything to respond with. So, we waited.