“I would love some. But I can help myself. I’m not here for you to serve me.”

I grunted and stepped between her and the counter. “You are a guest. What do you like in your coffee? Orion loves the flavored stuff, so I always pick up the newest flavors.”

She giggled and somehow the sound reached out and stirred my cock. Gods, I was in such fucking trouble if she wasn’t my mate. “Are you going to let me look in the fridge, or are you going to block me with that giant body of yours?”

To her, I was a giant. I would slay all the monsters for her.

So. Much. Damned. Trouble.

“You may peruse the refrigerator for your sugar-milk, female,” I answered. “Toast? Bacon? Egg bites?”

She gasped while scoping out the fridge. “The ones like the coffee shop? Those egg bites? I love them, but I don’t buy them because it’s two little nibbles for half a paycheck.”

I chuckled. “Yes. Those. I merged a couple of recipes online and came up with my own perfect one. Mine are better, if I do say so myself.” Then I winked at her. Winked. Like she was mine.

Maybe I needed more coffee.

“Let’s find out, then.” She sat down and murdered her coffee with a tiny bit of sugar and then enough creamer to hyperactivate a small child. But the moan that followed once she put the cup to her mouth made me want to—

“Good morning,” Orion called, coming into the room. He had jeans on and no shirt, same as me. “Smells good, Koa. Druscilla, you’ve been fed?”

She nodded. “Koa called me female. A lot of shifters do that, I hear. Why is that?”

“Are we starting the interview already? I need at least two cups of coffee before that commences.”

Druscilla agreed with a sigh. She filled us in on all the different people she encountered but claimed that the crazies in the airport were nothing compared to the ones who came into the convenience store where she once worked.

She claimed my egg bites were better than anything she’d ever tasted. Except maybe the dinner the night before.

I kept it to myself, but I would bet that she was the best thing I’d never tasted.

It took everything in me not to get up and put my hand on her, just to know. Make all the worry and trepidation vanish.

Wouldn’t look suspicious at all.

Chapter Fifteen


I didn’t realize how much this would be like a formal interview. Druscilla was prepped with not only a journal to jot things down but a device to record everything we said so she got nothing wrong.

She was determined to get everything right.

And I was determined never to let her go.

She said that she would’ve video-recorded the whole thing but because we didn’t want our identities revealed, she would stick to our voices only.

She was respectful and careful to honor the agreement we had made. That said a lot about her character.

“Okay, can you tell me about the female thing? I noticed you call me both by my name and female. Why is that?”

Koa squirmed in his chair. I would take this one. It was easy. For us, it was easy. “Because there are two beings within us, sometimes the two are merged. Our beasts are cut and dry about things. You are female. He calls you such. Is it offensive to you?”

She shook her head. “If I asked you not to call me that, would you honor my request?”

“The word would never come out of my mouth again,” Koa chimed in. “Or Orion’s. Is that what you would like? Does it bother you?”

To my relief and probably Koa’s, she shook her head. “No. It doesn’t bother me. I quite like it. Not sure why, but I do.”