“Did you know that Henry pays out over ten thousand pounds a month to companies and people that don’t even exist?”

“No. But you’re his accountant, not me. Surely you would know if he was doing something illegal,” I point out.

“I do, but he has always denied it. I didn’t bother pushing it as I didn’t see it affecting Verity. Her school is paid for each month, as is her allowance. I didn’t see the point in pushing anything.”

“But now?” I ask as he leans back in the chair and rubs his face.

“Now, I know he is going to try and make her life a living hell, and I refuse to let him. I think he is hiding money so that she isn’t entitled to it, and I plan on finding it all to ensure she gets a decent cut.”

“Will she need money? We all make more than enough to keep her dancing and living the life she deserves. If we all move into one large house, we can split the bills and save money that way,” I point out. But the more I look at Travis, the more I think he’s hiding something. “What aren’t you telling me?” I ask as we hear Verity scream. We both turn to the door, ready to bolt when her laughter fills the air, and we visibly relax.

“What the fuck is he doing to her now?” Travis growls.

“Whatever it is, he’s cheering her up; that’s all that matters,” I point out. It’s been a while since I saw him this worked up.

“I know, you’re right,” Travis sighs but quickly smiles when Verity rushes into the room and heads in his direction.

“Save me!” she laughs, jumping onto his lap.

“What did you do?” Travis asks as he rolls his eyes at her. Ethan walks in, putting his cap back on backwards.

“If you think he’s going to save your ass, you are greatly mistaken. You need to leave the safety of his arms at some point, and I’m more than happy to wait,” Ethan smirks as Verity grins at him.

“What if I say I’m sorry and will never touch your hat again?” she asks, grinning. We all know she’s lying; she’s never been able to resist annoying Ethan by stealing his hat. But we also know she could be in a worse mood than she is right now.

“Fine, now come on. We need to go to the shop and get some milk before they close,” he says, holding out his arm, signalling for her to leave the office. Verity kisses Travis` before rushing up to me and doing the same.

“See you when we get back,” she calls, rushing towards the door.

“Just quickly, Sweetheart. Do you have your passport?” Travis calls.

“No, why?” she asks, frowning.

“Nothing, I was just thinking of maybe booking a holiday for when you graduate in a few months,” he shrugs, but I know he’s lying.

“I’ve never needed one, as Dad doesn’t let me travel with him.”

“You’ve never been abroad?” Ethan asks, amazed. Verity shakes her head. We should have realised this, especially with Henry being so against her going to the States with him.

“What about your birth certificate? Do you know where that is?” I ask.

“I don’t know. Dad deals with things like that. He sorted my driving licence and stuff for the school.”

“Okay, Sweetheart, I’ll see if I can find everything. Have a good afternoon.”

Verity waves as she joins Ethan. I listen as they leave the house with her talking at a million miles per hour as she does whenever she gets one of us to herself.

“Okay, what you up to?” I ask as soon as the front door closes.

“I’m going to get her stuff together so when they get back, she isn’t here, and there is nothing they can hold over her head.” He pushes himself away from the desk and stands, heading to the large filing cabinet. “We are taking her home. She can live in whichever house she wants as long as it’s not here.”

I quickly tell him what Sean said about the living arrangements, and he agrees it’s the best plan.

“My place has three rooms, but I would prefer it if she had her own space. When we discussed it over breakfast, Verity said that Jasmine likes having her own room, even if she hardly ever sleeps there alone. It’s somewhere she can go if she needs to breathe or to relax without any of them bothering her. I want Verity to have that, too.”

“We can all discuss it later, but I think looking for a new house would be best. One that’s not too far from the school, as Verity will still be dancing for the company when she graduates.”

He nods in agreement before rubbing his face and sighing deeply.