“I was only joking; I would never really call you a dickhead!”
Travis grabs her ass whilst holding her tightly against him, not giving her room to move away. Trapping her between him and the car, he looks her in the eye. I can see her biting her bottom lip as she smiles sheepishly at him. She is full of life tonight, and I know she’s going to try and be a brat.
“I haven’t had to discipline you properly yet, have I?” Travis asks as Verity shakes her head. “Maybe the three of us need to start setting some ground rules and the punishments for breaking them. Starting with I shall not call my daddy a dickhead.”
Verity flutters her eyelids as she grins down at him, trying to look as innocent as possible.
“Can I pick the punishment? I’m sure I can think of a way the three of you could punish me together.”
Travis stares at her for a moment before a deep moan escapes him, and he kisses her hard and he grinds against her. Verity leans her head back and moans loudly as Travis nips at her collarbone.
“You are getting naughty, little girl,” Travis warns.
“Just the way you like me, Daddy,” she answers.
“I think the three of us need to teach you a lesson, brat,” he warns through gritted teeth.
“I’ll happily take anything the three of you give me,” she replies, testing him. Travis opens his mouth to respond but gets interrupted.
“I always knew you were an easy lay, but never put you down as a whore!”
I spin around to see Marshall strutting towards us. Ryan is beside me in an instant as Travis lowers Verity to her feet.
“There was me thinking you were fucking your brother, but instead, you are fucking him and the moron here,” he calls out, coming to a stop a short distance from us all.
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” Travis warns as he stands in front of Verity. He’s gone into protective mode, and I know Marshall is treading on thin ice now.
“I’m talking to that slut behind you. Are you as thick as you are wide?” Marshall laughs. “Have all the steroids made you dumb?”
“Apologise to her. Now!” Travis hisses through gritted teeth.
“What’s the matter? Can’t satisfy the bitch on your own, so it takes two of you?” he laughs as he turns his attention to Ryan. “Or are you taking part as well?”
“Shut up, Marshall, just leave!” Verity yells from behind Travis. I hear in her voice she’s on the verge of tears and see Travis does too.
“Shit,” Ryan curses as Travis launches forward, grabbing Marshall around the throat before slamming him to the ground.
“Get the fuck off me!” he shouts as he swings at Travis but misses.
“You think you deserve to live after you upset our woman?” Travis grins down at him, and I see the moment Marshall realises he fucked up. I will never understand why people underestimate the damage Travis can do. If he wants you dead, you might as well start saying your goodbyes because you won’t survive.
“Sweetheart, say the word, and I will fucking end the prick.”
I look to Verity, who has tears running down her face.
“No,” she whispers, shaking her head. Travis nods once and punches Marshall hard.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” Travis explains to the kid who’s now looking less cocky and more like a deer in the headlights. “You are going to get up, apologise to Verity and fuck off with your limp dick between your legs. If you try any funny business or say one thing other than sorry, I am going to make sure your body is never found. Do you understand?”
Marshall nods, and Travis slaps his cheek much harder than necessary. “Good. You might want to throw in a thank you while you are at it, as she just saved your life.”
Travis stands and pulls Marshall to his feet. He stupidly tries to make a run for it, but he heads straight towards me, and I take great pleasure in taking his legs out from underneath him so he lands face-first on the tarmac.
“Oops, let me help you up there,” I say as I grab his floppy hair and pull him to his feet. I push him towards Travis, who grabs him by the shoulder, purposely pushing his thumb into his collarbone.
“Well, that was stupid, wasn’t it? Let’s try this one last time, shall we?” Travis turns, so he and Marshall are facing a crying Verity, who is leaning into Ryan. I watch as Travis’s thumb digs further into his shoulder as he cries out in pain.
“What do you have to say to Verity?”